The first crack for the Re Liberty City Stories mod. Tested on Beta 5.0
Features: Does not require replacing gta-vc.exe It is possible to turn back the English. on the menu. 2 localization options (from mobile version and from PSP)
Note: Text moved from PSP version. Later, as I figured out the autopsy from the mobile version of transferred almost everything and did it separately. Review for this crack:
Update 08/29/2020: Adapted for mod v beta5.0 with minor changes +added list of cheats and HD icon Editing the letters "m" and "d". Improved font quality Pricedown Edit text in menus and controls. Fixed some More text from license 09/29/20 Fixed shortcomings of the developers of the mod and the original.
Thanks: Fire_head behind VCFontSize.asi font customizer Zverik for the text editing program.