Payout Event: get money for GTA San Andreas mods downloads

1 July 2022

Payout Event is a LibertyCity seasonal contest, during which modmakers can get a cash prize when someone downloads their mods.

During the whole July you can create modifications for the classical GTA San Andreas and upload them to our file archive. In a month, on August 1, we will sum up the results and find out three winners, whose modifications get the highest number of downloads: the 1st place – 100$, the 2nd place – 75$, the 3rd place – 50$.

Terms of participation:

  • In the competition only the GTA San Andreas mods, uploaded in the period from the 1st to the 31th of July, are considered;
  • During the counting only the unique downloads will be considered. You can check your file unique downloads with hovering your cursor over a total number of downloads counter;
  • A mod must be your own work, the uploaders do not participate in the contest;
  • When uploading your mod, please, don’t forget to tick “I am the author” box.

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