New event in GTA Online: tons of discounts, free outfits, and other bonuses

28 November 2024

Today (November 28), a new event kicks off in GTA Online, running until December 4. As usual, players can expect various bonuses, increased experience, and rewards. Notably, this is the final week of The Heist Challenge.

Update Highlights:

  • Guaranteed diamonds in the Diamond Casino Heist;
  • Tan Turkey and Brown Turkey outfits for logging in;
  • Diamond Strike Vest and GTA$100,000 for completing the Diamond Casino Heist;
  • Returning modes: Adversary Series in Diamond, Open Wheel Races, and Deadline;
  • Double payouts and experience: Adversary Series in Diamond, Open Wheel Races, Junk Energy Jump, and Deadline;
  • 50% discount on the following vehicles: Benefactor Surano, Buckingham Luxor, Luxor Deluxe, Buckingham Swift, Swift Deluxe, Buckingham Weaponized Conada, Canis Kalahari, Coil Cyclone II, Declasse Vigero ZX Convertible, Dewbauchee Rapid GT Classic, Emperor ETR1, Grotti Itali GTO Stinger TT, Imponte Deluxo, Ocelot Stromberg, Pegassi Weaponized Ignus, Pegassi Oppressor, Pegassi Toreador, and Vapid Bullet;
  • 40% discount on the Galaxy Super Yacht and modifications, as well as the Mammoth Avenger aircraft;
  • 35% discount on hangar properties, scrapyard properties, the B-11 Strikeforce plane, and the JoBuilt P-996 LAZER military jet;
  • 30% discount on arcade properties and the following vehicles: Annis ZR350, Mammoth F-160 Raiju, Progen Emerus, Truffade Thrax, and Übermacht Niobe;
  • 25% discount on the following vehicles: Benefactor BR8, Declasse DR1, Ocelot R88, and Progen PR4;
  • 40% discount on the Plasma Gun;
  • 50% discount on all inventory for GTA+ members;
  • New vehicle warehouse heists, test drives, and premium races.

Previously, we reported on a mod that brings GTA Vice City to the GTA 4 engine.

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