Rockstar has corrected reports against cheaters in GTA Online

22 March 2024
Diana Golenko

Until recently, complaining about dishonest players in GTA Online was a futile and dangerous endeavor. Finally, the developers at Rockstar Games have improved this feature.

The thing is that when the player reported, he received a notification about this. The cheater could immediately react, for example, by hacking you. Now reporting scams will be much safer.

Insider and data miner Tez2 spoke about the innovation by publishing a post on social networks. GTA Online fans took the news with a grain of salt.

“It took them 10 years to figure this out,” said a follower with the nickname Bvlly Maguire 26.

“If, of course, they started reading the reports,” joked user M.

Let us remind you that a new event for competition in racing and photo hunting has recently started in GTA Online. We published the full list of rewards for the event here.

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