Players appreciate the new robbery in GTA Online

13 March 2024
Diana Golenko

A week ago, Rockstar Games released a story update for The Cluckin' Bell Farm Raid with a new heist. Fans are already calling him their favorite.

Many players liked the Cluckin' Bell raid due to its low costs and the ability to complete it alone. The loot also satisfied gamers quite well.

“My new favorite raid, easy to plan and pull off,” writes Reddit player NewHand6321.

“Honestly, it doesn't matter what you go with. Time is the main factor” — LivingCustomer9729.

"Fast solo, no cost" — user BassGuy11.

Let us remind you that along with the update we receive a task from police officer Vincent Figanburger with a request for help in his case. The player will need to eliminate the drug cartel based at the Cluckin' Bell plant in Paleto Bay.

The update also brought new rewards to the game — details are described here.

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