Is the second GTA 6 trailer coming? Rockstar changed the link for the first video

29 June 2024
Diana Golenko

Another change has occurred on the Rockstar Games website: the GTA 6 trailer has acquired a new link. Players are sure that the studio is using the previous address for the second video.

As a user with the nickname GameRollGTA noted, previously a special link with the number “666666” at the end led to the page with the trailer, which indicated the numbered part of the game. Now the address has changed to a simple character set “rkoCtr1r”.

According to some players, Rockstar decided to save the “beautiful number” for the second Grand Theft Auto 6 trailer, which will be released in the future. Others, however, began to look for special symbolism and “Easter eggs” from the developers in this.

Previously, the head of Xbox admitted that many studios are avoiding competition with GTA 6, refusing to release their games in the fall of 2025.

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