GTA 6 will show the end of 90-s — the newest fan theory

16 September 2021

Fans suppose that the trailer of the remastered version of GTA 5 reveals when exactly GTA 6's events are to take place. In spite of a total disaffection with the latest remastered version, enthusiasts paid an incredible attention to every shown scene. And some of them are sure that the new information about GTA 6 is found.

The 38-th second of the trailer shows Franklin driving a red sports car. Fans focused on the car number: 6ISAL890. Such a combination of digits and letters may be an encryption, meaning “6 is a late 90s”. Fans were also attracted by the yellow colour of the numberplate.

GTA 6 will show the end of 90-s — the newest fan theory

But most probably we wouldn’t be able to see whether this theory is true or not, until Rockstar Games release the first teaser and trailer of the newer part of GTA.

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