Digital Foundry analyzes next-gen GTA 5 — 60 FPS and fast loading time

21 March 2022

Technical experts from Digital Foundry conducted an analysis of GTA 5 Expanded and Enhanced on next-gen consoles. In their opinion, the remaster was successful, but the developers could have done a better job.

Experts noted that the versions of the game for Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5 are identical. They have excellent texture resolution and quality of effects. However, on PlayStation 5 additional shadow is rendered under the cars, around the vegetation and under the characters. It is not present on Microsoft consoles.

The game runs much faster than on last generation devices. GTA 5 takes about 20 seconds to load on the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X.

GTA 5 runs at 60 FPS on the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X. There are occasional sags of up to 55 FPS that most players simply won't notice. In "Fidelity Mode" the game runs at 30 FPS and native 4K resolution. Experts considered the best "Performance RT" mode.

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