Lenny's Simple Trainer RDR 1 PC 0.5
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Lenny's Simple Trainer for Red Dead Redemption on PC
Lenny's Simple Trainer is a user-friendly mod for the PC version of Red Dead Redemption, developed by Lenny (LMS), that gives players complete control over the gameplay and customization options. This trainer provides a wide range of features to enhance the game and experiment within its open world.
- Spawn entities and mounts: Easily spawn any objects, including horses and other animals.
- Change weather: Modify weather conditions to create a unique atmosphere.
- Invincibility and no-clip mode: Activate invulnerability and fly mode.
- Teleportation: Quickly move to preset locations on the map.
- Full arsenal and infinite resources: Access all weapons, unlimited ammo, infinite Dead Eye, and the ability to make any weapon gold.
- Change player appearance: Switch to any character skin available in the game.
- Configure settings via INI file: Customize trainer parameters to suit your preferences.
- New! Change player skin
- New! Configure via ini
- New! Freeze, advance and reverse time
- New! Infinite stamina for horse
- New! Heal player
- New! Spawn money (via loot)
- New! Increase honor (via sanctioned kill)
- New! Speed up horse
- New! One-hit kill
- New! Explosive ammo (requires valid target)
- New! Spawn War, Death, Pestilence, Famine and Unicorn in single player!
- Drag all mod files into the game’s main directory.
- Launch the game. After a few seconds, you should hear a beep.
- Press F9 in-game to open the menu.
You can adjust the trainer settings in the lst.ini file. If the game crashes, try restarting. If issues persist, reach out to the developers for support.
Special thanks to Sockstress, Foxxyy, CabooseSayzWTF, and TheRouletteBoi for their fantastic research on Red Dead Redemption, without which this trainer wouldn’t have been possible.
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