Danny In Horse Clothes
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543.54 Kb
Total downloads: 29
Unique downloads: 22
18 August 2023danny-in-horse-clothes_1692359397_824541.rar
A new skin of Daniel in the form of a perverted horse.
Copy the "global" folder to the root folder of the game.
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Danny In Horse Clothes
Новый скин Дэниэла в форме извращенной лошади.
Скопировать папку «global» в корневую папку игры.
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16 August 2023
Manhunt 2

Daniel in BloodHounds outfit
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3 MB
14 August 2023
Manhunt 2

Tommy Havana Suit
The mod adds the skin of Tommy Vercetti in Cuban clothes from Grand Theft Auto: Vice City to the game. Installation: Copy the "global" folder to the root folder of the game.

90 kB
14 August 2023
Manhunt 2

Three Tommy Vercetti models
The mod adds 3 Tommy Vercetti skins to the game: in street clothes, Mr. Vercetti's suit and an evening suit. All three models replace the imprisoned Daniel. Installation: Copy the "global" folder to the root folder of the game.

279 kB
15 September 2023
Manhunt 2

Silent Hill skin pack
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12 MB
14 September 2023
Manhunt 2

Release Therapy Outro Clothing
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123 kB
13 August 2023
Manhunt 2

Daniel in black glasses
Danny flashback with black glasses. The mod replaces the white glasses with the black ones that Daniel wears in the "Origins" scene. Installation: Copy the "global" folder to the root folder of the game.

136 kB
15 August 2023
Manhunt 2

Horse Skin
The modification adds a new skin to the game in a bloody form and with a horse's head. Replaces prisoner Daniel. Installation: Copy the "global" folder to the root folder of the game.

2 MB
10 August 2023
Manhunt 2

Black 'N Red Clothes for Leo
The mod adds new red style clothes for Leo Kasper.

56 kB
11 August 2023
Manhunt 2

Niko Bellic in a blue suit
Niko Bellic in Blue Jacket. Mod adds Niko Bellic skin to Manhunt 2. Installation: Copy the "global" folder to the root folder of the game.

2 MB
13 August 2023
Manhunt 2

cj in suit
CJ HD Suit for MH2. Maud adds Carl Johnson in a suit. There are 3 options available, all of them replace the prisoner Leo. Installation: Copy the "global" folder to the root folder of the game.

2 MB
13 August 2023
Manhunt 2

Daniel in a pig mask
Danny With Pig Mask. Maud puts a pig's head on the prisoner Daniel. Installation: Copy the "global" folder to the root folder of the game.

1 MB
14 August 2023
Manhunt 2

Daniel in white rabbit mask
Danny with white rabbit mask. Mod puts a white rabbit head on Daniel's head. Installation: Copy the "global" folder to the root folder of the game.

395 kB
15 August 2023
Manhunt 2

Play as Daniel in flashback levels
With this mod, you will be able to play as Daniel in the flashback levels without having to replace him from the first three levels. Installation: Copy the "global" folder to the root folder of the game.

3 MB
15 August 2023
Manhunt 2

Make Your Camera Dont Shake In Executions
Mod makes your camera stationary while hunting. Installation: Unpack the archive into the "global" folder, which is located in the root folder of the game.

3 kB
15 August 2023
Manhunt 2

Danny Flashback Mod
The mod replaces the prisoner Daniel's skin with the model from the video with flashbacks. Installation: Copy the files to the "global" folder, which is located in the root folder of the game.

116 kB
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