The best and most correct translation of the text of Vice City from all existing + key and game without a disc for licensed versions. Specify the folder with the game and enjoy!
Texture cracker for GTA Vice City 2004. -Translated textures by 15% -Translated inscriptions on police cars. -Translated all the signs on the bridges. -Translated most parking signs. -And other.
This material was developed as part of the "People's Translator" project. Its free distribution is allowed, provided that the site, developers are indicated and all components of the localizer patch are unchanged. This localization is based on the t...
Quite a good two-voice translation (female and male voices, respectively), translates all telephone conversations and video inserts in missions. Additional Information: Simply copy the files from the downloaded folder and place them in the game dire...
Russifier for the game Grand Theft Auto Vice City, made on the basis of the version of the game from 1C. It was created specifically for the Steam version of the game, but it may be suitable for other versions. Translates all text in the game (except...
I think many people remember the Smarter's Localization crack for GTA San Andreas, which was presented to us by the SanLtd team. So, meet their next localization, but for GTA Vice City. Features: -High-quality drawn fonts. -All icons and fonts redra...
High-quality Russian translation, updating Weiss to version 1.1 (installed on both pirated and licensed copies of the game!), As a result, many glitches are fixed, and it also becomes possible to put a speedometer.
Archive content: -Crack of the PC version of GTA VC from the company "1C". -Patched executable from the 1s version of the game GTA Vice City in which the "Trails" option is enabled. In connection with the localization is called "Stripes" -Manual f...