GTA: Vanilla Vice

14 March
3 March
GTA: Vanilla Vice - mod for GTA: Vice City.
Lots of fixes and features we all wanted, while keeping it as vanilla as possible.
Installation is easy — just unpack wherever you like and play.
After downloading, be sure to read the 'ReadMe.txt' file in the game folder.
A "brief" description under the spoiler.
* Added mip-maps for all game textures (please enable anisotropic filtering in your video card settings; read more in the FAQ).
* The game now has an autosave (in the first slot) after completing each mission (please exit the car to a space free of pickups and markers after completing missions).
* Added the ability to use the mouse to control the camera on vehicles (GTA:SA camera port with field of view and collision detection from GTA:LCS).
* You can now choose the direction of firing from the car simply by turning the camera in the desired direction (i.e. now it is not necessary to press LOOK LEFT/RIGHT before shooting).
* Tommy is untied from the camera, manual aiming has been added, many character control flaws have been fixed.
* Added the ability to reload the weapon by pressing the R key. Animations correspond to those applied during automatic reloading, except for the cases when the weapon did not have an assigned animation.
* Added the ability to skip a phone call by pressing ENTER/EXIT VEHICLE (F/RET) (a prompt for this will appear on the first call).
* You can now change weapons using the top row of numeric keys on your keyboard.
* Once in the car, you can turn off the music radio by pressing the X key on your keyboard.
* Added the ability to switch between radio stations with the mouse wheel in both directions.
* Now you can walk by holding down the ALT key while running.
* Added translation of most of the new features into all languages present in the game.
* Added 64 Channels DSound3D software emulation support (please select DSound3D 64 Channels as the audio hardware in the game sound settings).
* Added a collectible map: hold the Tab key and select the map you want with keys 1 to 7 to see all the hidden packages, unfulfilled rampages, stunt jumps, robberies and vehicle missions.
* The undercover police version of the Cheetah has been renamed Vice Cheetah (actually, that's exactly what it was called all this time in the game files).
* The logic of the Pay'N'Spray has been fixed — just like the FBI Washington and Vice Cheetah now you can repair the FBI Rancher too, and the Ambulance and Firetruck no longer scare the Pay'N'Spray workers.
* Fixed Pay'N'Spray not being able to fix the front bumper of some vans.
* Fixed the behavior of firefighters — now they are fireproof and put out the fire from the car (previously they just arrived, got out of the car and walked home).
* Fixed a bug that caused one plane to land on another plane in Tommy and Ken's meeting cutscene at the airport.
* Fixed a bug in the game's script code that caused Boxville not to appear parked at the docks (R* placed the car lower than necessary and the game simply could not spawn it).
* Fixed a bug in the game's script code that caused Pizza Boy not to appear parked outside Tommy's mansion after сompletion the "Pizzaboy" missions (R* placed the bike lower than necessary and the game could not spawn it).
* Fixed a bug with the removal of the traffic ban in the area of the golf club that occurs during the non-linear walkthrough, which resulted in golfers on the Caddy breaking into the closed gates of the golf club.
* Fixed damage colors of Cuban Hermes, FBI Rancher, Sabre Turbo, Zebra Cab and Rhino (R* forgot to add color to the tank at all, so the damages were black).
* Fixed traffic paths (cars no longer drive against a wall near a Junkyard in Little Haiti and do not drive on sidewalks in Ocean Beach).
* Fixed getting two wanted stars for leaving VCPD HQ in Washington Beach.
* Fixed the appearance of water when exiting the underground parking lot of Ocean Bay Marina at Ocean Beach.
* Fixed the appearance of water in tunnels near the Airport in rainy weather.
* Fixed accidents always happening with the same pedestrian (male01).
* Fixed getting off the bus of the same passenger (male01).
* Fixed a bug that allowed you to run without getting tired by frequently pressing SPRINT.
* Fixed mixing of aiming and movement animations (legs twitching when firing).
* Fixed idle and walk animations with the rocket launcher.
* Fixed down-firing animation for Minigun and Flamethrower.
* Fixed twitchy animations of Minigun, Flamethrower and rifle firing, as well as crouch firing animations.
* Fixed Tommy's axis offset in jab/punch animations and idle animations with two-handed weapons;
* Fixed the animation of talking on the phone when using a two-handed weapon (Tommy no longer holds an invisible gun with his left hand).
* Imported the middle finger gesture animation from the PS version of the game (in the PC version Tommy was awkwardly spreading his hands in different directions).
* Added animations of running with two-handed/heavy weapons (from the related GTA:LCS).
* Restored idle animation playback, broken during porting the game from PS (Tommy may stretch, scratch his head, etc.).
* Restored two-handed/heavy weapon idle animation playback, broken during porting the game from PS (slight swaying in place).
* Characters with heavy/two-handed weapons now use the animations corresponding to their weapons (by default they ran with rifles as if they have nothing in their hands).
* Characters firing a sniper rifle now have a rifle firing animation applied to them (by default they were ridiculously punching the air with their fist).
* The characters following Tommy no longer walk in Tommy's gait.
* Recreated the function of canceling the car jacking by pressing SPRINT (there is a help prompt about it in the game files, but the function itself has never been implemented; the prompt has also been restored).
* Rosenberg's lines which play when player is Busted work correctly now.
* Wet road reflections render properly again (and now all over the city!).
* Reintroduced light glows under weapon/health/armour pickups, bribes, hidden packages and money pickups — they showed only on PS2 due to a bug in all PC versions.
* Fixed an issue where the minigun pickup had a bright pink glow instead of a purple one, and had an additional white glowing spot on the barrel.
* Asset money pickup text has been given a generic red color, resolving a bug where it changed colors every frame.
* Fixed an issue where the muzzle flashes from guns faced the wrong direction.
* Made Drive-By use correct sounds based on what machine gun is used.
* Corrected FBI Washington siren sound.
* Added siren corona to FBI Washington.
* Fixed siren corona placements in Police, Firetruck, Ambulance, Enforcer, Vice Cheetah, FBI Washington.
* Fixed taxi light corona placement for Taxi.
* Fixed police chopper's search light and red tail light placement.
* Fixed a glitch allowing lightless taxis to spawn in traffic.
* Fixed an issue where vehicles exploded twice if the driver left the car before the explosion.
* Slightly increased checkpoint radiuses in "The Driver", "Alloy Wheels of Steel" and Sunshine Autos races (you can now use sidewalks).
* Added a unique color to the Squalo in both related missions ("The Fastest Boat" and "Supply & Demand") (previously you could steal a red Squalo and then ride with Lance in a pink one, for example).
* Speeder given by Cortez now matches color of the one attached to the yacht.
* Ingame Maverick from "Phnom Penh '86" now matches the cutscene Maverick's color.
* Vehicles in "The Party" will no longer despawn and spawn again after the yacht cutscene (resulting in the player's vehicle and the parked cars getting repaired if you damaged them before the cutscene).
* Time is now adjusted to 22:00 when you visit Cortez's yacht in "The Party" (due to the Colonel saying: "Buenas noches!" — indicating night time).
* Lance now appears as IGBudy3 (bloody Lance) instead of the usual IGBuddy in "Death Row".
* The "Come back when you have finished the Biker gang missions" message is shown for standard 4 seconds instead of 1.
* Tommy is relocated at the back seat of the Admiral in intro cutscene (because earlier during the ambush he jumped into the back seat).
* The hidden package under Starfish Island bridge is no longer below the ground (will still be below the ground on old saves).
* The Topfun van is set to not be locked in position at the end of "Bombs Away!" (R* accidentally unlocked the doors (which weren't even locked) instead of unlocking the position, can you imagine that?).
* Bugfix in "Love Juice" regarding trying to pick up Mercedes — it is now only possible in a car or motorcycle (with exception bugged Pizza Boy and Baggage) as per instructed.
* Weather will now reset to extra sunny (like the other two Avery missions) in "Two Bit Hit" (previously if it's raining, the rain falls inside the limo).
* Candy is moved a bit closer to the limo in "Martha's Mug Shot".
* The psycho in the 'Psycho Killer' mission will now be marked on the radar.
* In 'Hit The Courier' mission fixed a pink marker that remained on the radar in cases where the courier was killed before exiting the helicopter.
* Tommy's outfit will be reset to "Street" outfit if you start the "Alloy Wheels of Steel" dressed as a cop (because in the cutscene Baker says: "You don't look like the law...").
* Tommy's outfit will be reset to "Street" outfit if you start the "Stunt Boat Challenge" dressed as a Cuban (because in the cutscene Umberto says that Tommy is dressed like a woman).
* In "Hog Tied" mission the shark gang members no longer fade away like ghosts if you kill them.
* In "All Hands On Deck!" mission french agents and Cortez's crew won't fade away like ghosts if you kill them.
* Added 'Time' indicator next to the clock in Vigilante, Firefighter, Paramedic, Pizzaboy, PCJ Playground, Cone Crazy and Shooting Range missions, like it appears in other GTA games and Taxi missions.
* Added 'Time' indicator next to the clock in 'The Shootist', 'Messing With The Man' and 'Shakedown' missions, like in side missions.
* To avoid rain affecting Sanchez's physics during the "Dirt Ring" (stadium mission), the weather will be set to extra sunny (just like it was originally done in "Bloodring").
* The save made after completing the "Checkpoint Charlie" mission will now also be called "Checkpoint Charlie" (previously, the save had the name of the previous mission).
* Tommy will complete the "Distribution" mission himself once he has sold the amount of "ice cream" necessary for Cherry Popper's profitability (the counter sometimes falls a little behind, don't be scared ;).
* The game will notify you when Tommy spends enough money on the dance to make the Pole Position Club profitable.
* Fixed the "All Hands On Deck!" mission bug, where picking up a Ruger could leave you without rifles at all.
* The appearance of extraneous pedestrians in the cutscenes with Umberto Robina is excluded.
* The collision with pickups inside checkpoints in "Checkpoint Charlie" missions has been excluded.
* There will now be two more limousines in the parking lot next to the yacht in the "The Party" mission (Avery's black limousine and Love Fist's limousine).
* After passing "The Job" in the bank (in the room with monitors) will be available security cameras (the code is practically "as is" copied from "The Job").
* Security cameras are now available in Tommy's office in his mansion, including the one from the mission "Rob Out" (most of the code is borrowed from "The Job").
* Speeder, given by Cortez after the "All Hands On Deck" mission, will now always be available next to the Tommy's mansion.
* Squalo ("the fastest boat"), hijacked from the port for Diaz, will be available next to the mansion after Lance sails on it to, say, attack Diaz.
* After passing the "Hotring" races, two previously unavailable to us Hotring Racer unique cars will begin to appear near the stadium (they are differ from the one we get in Sunshine Autos and were only available in the "Hotring" races).
* After the purchase of the Cherry Popper, another Mr. Whoopee van will appear inside the factory building (in the same place where it was during the factory purchase cutscene).
* Removed the Kaufman Cab car, which was left standing in the middle of Kaufman Cabs after the cutscene with its purchase.
* Passing "Vigilante" missions in police clothes will save you from unnecessary police attention.
* Rob stores in the robber's clothes received after "The Job" and sellers will not be able to tell the police anything concrete about who robbed them.
* Romero's Hearse can be found parked next to a Funeraria Romero in Little Haiti after completing the "Two Bit Hit" mission.
* After completing the "Two Bit Hit" mission, Romero's Hearse cars will be able to drop exploding coffins (just like the Haitian boss did in the previously mentioned mission).
* Completing the "Two Bit Hit" mission before the "Cop Land", "No Escape?" and "The Job" missions will no longer relocate the Havana outfit pickup deep into the store;
* The elevator in the Downtown office now works from the beginning of the game.
* After receiving ownership of the mansion, access to its territory for outsiders will be closed (no more cops jumping out of the bushes under the wheels!).
* The beta road in the Ocean Drive area has been removed from all maps.
* The beta lod of the missing tower (the so-called "ghost tower") is removed in the airport area.
* Restored numbering of garages and fixed beta map of races in Sunshine Autos.
* The VC Cabs car was replaced by the Kaufman Cabs car on all the Kaufman Cabs calendars (never understood why a competitor’s car was drawn on the calendar).
* A late-development cutout of the set (Ray's toilet from GTA III) was recreated on the "C" stage at the movie studio.
* The interior of the Inside Track has been recreated in Vice Point (couple of facts: some textures were found in the PS version, the cull zones with disabled rain and rubbish were left by R* even in the PC version).
* You can now bet on computerized horse racing at Inside Track ($100 per bet).
* The outfit you used will no longer be reset to "Street" outfit after being wasted or busted.
* Six wanted stars are now available after opening the entire city, not after completing the Diaz's storyline.
* The metal detector at the golf club now returns the sniper rifle as well (actually it always did, but the pickup was created inside the building and we couldn't even see it, let alone pick it up).
* Sand castles (left by R* in the game files, but never added to the game itself) will sometimes appear next to people resting on the beach.
* The ability to destroy an arriving/departing airtrain, which was present in the beta versions of the series, has been restored.
* The poster with Gorbachev and Reagan at Ammu-Nation in the Downtown is no longer hidden behind a wall and now hangs above the aisle leading to the shooting range (which is where it was originally located, judging by the Ammu-Nation's lod).
* The mailboxes, lamppost and planter in front of the entrance to the Malibu Club were returned (they were visible from the interior of the club, but they were probably forgotten to be placed outside).
* The red door at the entrance to the Hotel Harrison (K Rosenberg & Co.) has been returned.
* Recreated the PS puddles at the Docks in the place where the deal took place at the beginning of the game.
* The Candy Suxxx flyer has been restored (in the PC version of the "Dildo Dodo" mission we dropped the paper from GTA:III; the "newspaper" with Zombie Elvis from GTA:III has not been touched).
* The song "Running with the Night", which was missing from the PC version of Flash FM radio, has been restored.
* Fixed "Cumin' Atcha Live" on the V-Rock radio station.
* Radio stations KCHAT and VСPR in higher quality.
* A new "Paradise FM" radio station with 80's disco and jazz-funk songs (a radio station with the same name and genre existed in GTA: Vice City Stories, but the songs here are different).
* Musical intros/outros from similar announcements from GTA: Vice City Stories have been added to news announcements about the closure/opening of bridges.
* Combined pack of vehicles and their wheels from the XBOX version of the game (with some fixes, new extras and better textures).
* Victor Vance (Lance's brother) has become more like the real himself from GTA: Vice City Stories.
* Tommy no longer hides his face in the cutscenes started in the Bank Job outfit.
* The "Mr. Versetti" in-game outfit now matches the version used in the cutscenes.
* The in-game models of Tommy and other characters have been replaced by models based to a greater or lesser extent on the models from the cutscenes.
* Fixed huge gaps between Diaz's shirt and pants in cutscenes featuring him.
* The P.I.G. security guards are now slightly different from each other (there were always two models in the game, but they had the same texture).
* Now taxi cars in traffic are driven not only by taxi drivers in red clothes (model hmoca), but also by taxi drivers in blue clothes (model wmoca).
* There are now more night stars in the sky (star generation is purely procedural, no new assets were added for this).
* The lights of passenger-free taxis now on at night and in the rain.
* Fixed pedestrian "jmoto" having a flesh-colored camera texture.
* Newspapers and leaves scattered around the city are no longer transparent.
* Music radio stations on Hunter have been replaced with police radios (just like on all vehicles suitable for "Vigilante" missions; you can return the music simply by switching the radio).
* Music radio stations on Kaufman Cab cars can now be turned on even after completing the "Cabmageddon" mission (but initially the Kaufman radio turns on as expected).
* Music radio stations can now also be listened to in emergency and enforcement cars by simply switching the radio (but the service radio is switched on initially, as expected).
* The house owned in GTA: Vice City Stories by Umberto Robina will now always have the Cuban Hermes parked in front of it.
* The only hospital without an ambulance was West Haven in Little Havana. This oversight was fixed by R* in GTA: Vice City Stories and now it's fixed in Vanilla Vice too.
* The Skimmer seaplane is now available in the airport hangar (based on the model name — "ap_seaplane_hangar").
* In the room near the bridge in Downtown, where the car showroom was probably supposed to be (according to the names of the textures dt_carshop_flr1 and dt_carshop_wall1), you can now find some parked vehicles.
* SPRUNK vending machines are now able to restore your health (script logic and most of the code are borrowed from pizzerias).
* After boarding the vehicle, the game will no longer switch your weapon to one that cannot be fired (i.e. now either a fist or a submachine gun, if you have one).
* Securicar is now truly bulletproof (you know you can still shoot through windows, right?).
* It is now possible to access locked parked cars of various city services by knocking out their door.
* You can now use a car wash in the Washington Beach area.
* Now you have access to a hidden room with a printer in Little Haiti.
* The "ASPIRINE" cheat code now also fixes all visual damages of your vehicle.
* The "BIGBANG" cheat code now also blows up a police chopper.
* Now you can buy your weapons back for $2000 after wasted or busted (similar to GTA: Vice City Stories).
* The game will notify you if you have found the car that Sunshine Autos needs.
* Now all you have to do is let Tommy get bored standing on the dance floor in Malibu to finally make him dance.
* Always long pressed the JUMP button to make Tommy jump a little higher? Me too. That's exactly how it works now.
* Now the radar map zooms out not only when you accelerate on a vehicle, but also when you run fast.
* Have you ever wanted to blow up a tank?
* Recovery after a sprint is now a little faster.
* Pathfinding for cars chasing the player has been improved.
* Drift physics has been slightly corrected (the handling of cars has not been touched).
* The artificial intelligence of rivals in Sunshine Autos races has been upgraded.
* The density and draw distance of traffic and pedestrians has been increased.
* The maximum flight altitude on flying vehicles has been slightly increased.
* Slightly (just one value) corrected the flight characteristics of the Skimmer.
* Tire burnout can now have consequences.
* Added a burning fire to the Molotov cocktail.
* Slightly corrected the excessive survivability of the police helicopter.
* Minimized the risk of accidentally obtaining wanted stars after completing rampage missions.
* Removed police officers who tried to roll out spikes under your wheels after you had already got rid of the wanted stars.
* Increased the draw distance of moving escalator steps.
* Increased the chance to leave the enemy without a head when using a Katana or Machete.
* Increased the probability of a headshot (bloody fountain) when firing a Colt45, Minigun and submachine guns.
* Added full support for gamepads.
* Added Trails effect from the 10th Anniversary Edition (add some brightness or disable if you don't like this effect).
* Added some graphics and fixes from the console versions of the game (screen water drops, light and reflections on vehicles, alpha bugs fix, etc.).
* Added window lights and lots of new neons (mostly from GTA: Vice City Stories, but not only).
* The opaque "curtain" of fog in clear weather has been pushed slightly beyond the horizon to make the world look more holistic (the foggy "haze" and the weather as a whole remain original).
* Increased the draw distance of lights and the entire game world, disabled superlods and removed splash screens between islands.
* Various effects (explosions, lights, water, etc.) got better quality textures.
* Improved original weapon models (one-sided view, drawn holes, etc.).
* Fixed a lot of pedestrian models (one-sided view, sweep, etc.).
* Various cutscene fixes (a view from Ken's office windows, a head sticking out of the floor and a "goon" with a girly gait in biker missions, a female character hidden behind a wall in "The Shootist", etc.)
* Most of the missing textures have been restored (the interior of the Print Works in the cutscenes, the golf balls on the Leaf Links gate, the bomb clockwork, parking signs, some lods, etc.).
* Restored the quality of some textures (signs, sidewalks, roads, etc.), heavily affected by compression (thanks to various ports and re-releases).
* Fixed bugs with the location of some objects (mailboxes in the Airport area, the traffic light on the roof of the laundromat in Little Haiti, the lifeguard tower under the beach in Vice Point, etc.)
* Various fixes to the interiors (second fan and some plants in the Ocean View room, glass transparency in the Cherry Poppers and Sunshine Autos, reflections on the floor in the Bank and Mansion, etc.).
* Lots of map fixes that are long to describe (like the WK Chariot Hotel sign, an exploded construction site, one-side visibility of objects and others).
* Better quality fonts and textures of the interface (preserving the style of the PC version).
* Lots of other improvements that I just forgot to mention.
Full description, FAQ and credits are in the ReadMe folder in the game directory.
Carefully read the contents of the mentioned files.
Note: The version of GTA Vanilla Vice [RU] has only Russian language!
The file with all official languages (EN/FR/GE/IT/ES) is called GTA Vanilla Vice [ML].
Many thanks to everyone whose work has been included in GTA: Vanilla Vice (full credits can be found in the 'credits.txt' file in the 'ReadMe' folder).
Special thanks to yahowha, SpitFire, _AG, seifmagdi, Huggito Baggio, L.a.V., DimZet, Shagg_E and Baldinymus for some help.
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