Beta Gator Keys MOD

26 May 20231601106604_gator-keys-mod.zipPassword for the archive: libertycity
This mod adds the cut Gator Keys location to your GTA Vice City.
Gator Keys are two islands located in the south of Vice City (near the docks and the airport). The mod was created specifically to show what these islands could have looked like in the early stages of the game's development.
If you do not know how to install the mod, then the installation instructions are written inside the Readme file in English. If you do not know English, or simply do not understand what is written there, you can watch the video attached below. It demonstrates the installation process visually.
This is a Gator Keys Map mod for GTA Vice City. This Mod adds two islands on the south of Vice City (near Docks/Airport area). The mod is made to show how the Gator Keys might have looked in Beta stages of the game..
The installation tutorial is there in Readme file. If you don't understand that tutorial or you want to see the m od before installing it you can watch this video...
Этот мод добавляет вырезанную локацию Gator Keys в вашу GTA Vice City.
Gator Keys — это два острова, находящиеся на юге Вайс Сити (рядом с доками и аэропортом). Мод создан специально для того, чтобы показать, как могли выглядеть эти острова на ранних этапах разработки игры.
Если вы не знаете как установить мод, то инструкция по установке написана внутри файла Readme на английском языке. Если вы не знаете английского, или попросту не понимаете что там написано, то можете посмотреть видео, прикреплённое ниже. В нём процесс установки демонстрируется наглядно.
This is a Gator Keys Map mod for GTA Vice City. This Mod adds two islands on the south of Vice City (near Docks/Airport area). The mod is made to show how the Gator Keys might have looked in Beta stages of the game..
The installation tutorial is there in Readme file. If you don't understand that tutorial or you want to see the m od before installing it you can watch this video...
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