Hello to all! I decided to finalize my old work Vapid Stanier LTD LX. What exactly is added: 1) The body model is now one - XBOX Police, as it is better in quality. 2) Adaptation to ImVehFt (only headlights, lights and reversing lights) and standard ...
Exported model from GTA V to GTA San Andreas. Features: - Low Quality model that fits into the atmosphere of the game. - Their settings collisions, shadows and damage. - Functioning doors, trunk and hood. Good game!...
Hello to all! I present the pack Vapid Stainer LTD LX, converted from GTA VC. Models from the XBOX version (envelope for VC - ALMOST610), so the quality is good. You might be asking why not Premier. I will answer: Premier is Declasse (Chevrolet Capr...
Vapid Speedo Newsvan for GTA San Andreas. Vapid Speedo from GTA 5 in the version of the news van Features: -There is damage -Own shadow -3D engine -Rear doors open -Numbers in the style of GTA 5 -Customized collision -Correct landing GG Have a goo...