VAZ-2106 Zhiguli / Lada 1600 / Lada 1500L / Lada 1300SL - a four-door five-seat passenger car with a sedan-type body and rear-wheel drive. One of the most popular models of the Volga Automobile Plant. When in 1976 the plant in Tolyatti mastered the p...
Here is the beta version of the car VAZ 2109 Center Side, because. the old computer flew, all my files were gone, so I had to do it again. If you like Beta, I will definitely finish it!
Envelope car UAZ 69A from the game "Full drive". Made at the request of users this site. In the course of work on it, the model turned out to be quite high-quality and beautiful. The model has fully working headlights and taillights. Correct sett...