Genre : sci-fi, action, adventure Plot : A young time traveler will find herself in a world destroyed by a nuclear war. There she tries to find a way to return to the past, in order to then correct the events that led to tragic consequences for al...
GSh-18 Description: - Made in the style of GTA San Andreas - Four types of livery (Standard, dark, swampy, camouflage) - There are no bugs - Replaces Desert Eagle Installation: Open the folder, select the model version, throw the .dff file in...
Fever 105 from GTA: Vice City based on ATP 1.2.1. Initially, it came in the form of a solid .mp3 file, which was manually divided by me into inserts from a DJ, self-promotion of radio and musical compositions. Special thanks to Zophar for providing ...
A small mission about a mafia named Vitya Shifer, who once got into a very awkward situation due to unpaid utility bills. Required to play: - DYOM 8.1 - Russian font Mefisto v2.0 ...
Ritmo Sonico is a radio station dedicated to playing music in Spanish. Songs List: Duncan Dhu — En algún lugar Fandango — Autos, Moda Y Rock N Roll Los Enanitos Verdes — La Muralla Verde Ricchi e Poveri — Sera Porque Te Amo Luis Migu...
San Andreas Style Flamethrower Textures for GTA San Andreas by ReaperGames14/14todoeltiempodc A variety of textures for the original flamethrower from the vanilla game. All textures are made by me, so do not forget to indicate the authorship. Previ...
A short mission for Petrovich's friend Dimon. This mission is not included in the "Adventures of Petrovich and Semenych" series!! Therefore, do not say that my fantasy is excised =)
This pack includes weapons from two different games. Left 4 dead 2 and Counter-Strike Global Offensive Knife and sniper rifle. *Medium texture quality *Good hand position *Custom icon Have a good game!