SkyGfx SA 2.8b
SkyGfx brings back the exact console graphics atmosphere to PC.
Changes to 2.8a:
- Fixed VCS reflections
- Xbox Reflections
- New INI switches to control stencil and ped shadows separately (now also used for cutscenes and can be toggled during gameplay)
- Attempt to implement mobile colorcycle (colorFilter=2). While there is no certainty that it is absolutely correct
- Option to increase the size of the near square with water (detailed water)
- Standard PC vehicle DFFs had all reflection effects applied, while PS2 DFFs looked different in game. At first, there were attempts to cure it by converting PS2 DFF, but everything was done wrong (download new ones from the link below). The PC files are *corrupted*, but not as bad as thought. The trick is to only display the reflection effects when the material has MatFX turned on. This means "uglyWheelHack" is finally gone for good!
This is closer to PS2 rendering, as the old way didn't look quite right on transparent geometry
- Apply ambient light to markers like on PS2 (pink cylinder at night). Use ps2MarkerAmbient=1 only when PS2 DFF markers are set (see below)
- Brightness slider controls (but not only) D3D gamma on PC, PS2 doesn't have it. disableGamma=1 changes this
- Now for the big bug that finally went away: ps2Ambient was used to add the brightest channel to all three again, because that was supposed to be the case on PS2. Only it's not a PS2 feature, the PC version does it too! The PS2 material was reverse engineered with the brightness slider turned all the way up for some reason... and that's exactly what's causing this. If the brightness is above 256 (the default value), the ambient light is made brighter by this method. Some people complained that everything was too bright...and they were right!
- Procobj'ects should now spawn a little better
- Use compact or HOODLUM EXE
- We need ASI Loader
- Place skygfx.asi and INI files in game folder
- SkyGfx will load skygfx1-9.ini, if they can't be found the plugin will drop to skygfx.ini (F10 toggles between them by default, but see INI settings)
- If you want to use the trial mobile colorcycle, put colorcycle.dat in the data !
folder! - You must use SilentPatch
- Rename timecycp.dat to timecyc.dat. If timecycp is missing or for some other reason, you can take the ready-made option here
- When using dual pass rendering in SilentPatch, disable it (TwoPassRendering=0) if using dualPassWorld=1 in SkyGfx (i.e. DO NOT enable dual pass in both plugins). You can also turn off Silent's NVC shader by NVCShader=0, SkyGfx has an (improved) replacement for
- Plugin can be configured via INI file. There is also a description of many settings
- Since not all PC vehicles work perfectly with PS2 reflections (too strong), it is recommended to use PS2 Vehicles on PC
seabed.iplwith PS2 (reduces draw distance)
fast and easy
1454291029_skygfx_sa_2.zipDownload (0.08 MB)Password: libertycity
dfiles.euDownloadPassword: libertycity