Updated TimeCycle (24h TimeCycle)
gtadrive, logan_san
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5 April 202424h-timecycle-gtadrives-atmosphere_1712298585_707187.rar
Hello everyone!
I adapted this timecycle to the 24 hour TimeCycle mod, as it contains improvements to the lighting of the game, giving it a different atmosphere
I would like to introduce my GTA SA Timecyc modification, in which I am trying to simulate the atmosphere and use all the available default SA features in terms of weather modeling. I am trying to apply 1/2 of the sky color to static game objects, 1/4 to dynamic game objects, rotate the RGBA color correction to reproduce the color of sunlight. After fixing the sky and color correction, the picture starts to look like the sky lighting and light direction (sun) have been applied in the game, plus it enhances the color of the vegetation a bit, making it more greenish.
Enjoy the game!
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