People's Problems
Many people say that a person is not an animal, he is more intelligent in terms of morality, choice and awareness. We can agree with this assumption, if we do not take into account the fact that an animal kills for the sake of survival, while a person can kill for the sake of the smallest benefit, as well as pleasure. Mankind remembers many maniacs, sadists who, with their actions, left a bloody stain in history. Sometimes such maniacs became kings, kings, presidents and so on. Led to slaughter all the people against the people, under the guise of an idea. Belief in an idea, which could be religion, independence, unification, or racial division. Politics - in a word, from the consequences of which all sorts of "al-Qaeda", "Boko Haram" and "Temples of the Peoples" were born in the world. They use every means to develop their order, naturally I mean propaganda, intimidation and violence. The organizations/states listed above are condemned by the whole world, Europe, the USA and so on, but at the same time, whose policies are such garbage born from?
From Benjamin's diary:
It is not under the influence of any authority, state and is more of a myth than the truth. We have personal goals, which, however, do not include the unleashing of war, mass destruction, and even more so, the promotion of radical values. Our mercenaries know how to use any weapon, in any environment, weather, they receive a very good reward for contracts. No one wants to get into our ranks, there must be discipline and unification. If someone dares to cross the road to us, then we will destroy everyone and everything, we will use any methods, absolutely. Maybe I wrote something about morality, but
At such moments, we will not rely on it. Today you decided to help our enemies hunt down our people, and tomorrow you will die from burning, because you can't. Because we will find the enemy, whoever you are.
Such a mistake was made by the Spanish Torres family, which was engaged in the destruction of the family of our leader. We have been following her footsteps all over the world for several years now.
This is not revenge, no, this is just a defense of honor. After all, if we do not answer for this act, our reputation will be humiliated. For the sake of our future, this cannot be allowed.
For the DYOM project, there is support for AFX modification by andre500, you need a modloader for the content and also a font from Mefisto1234. Have a good game!
fast and easy
peoples-problems_1677320612_608247.zipDownload (47.94 MB)Password: libertycity