Skin Sexy Pack by SERGIO_VAN_DYK

Hello everyone! By installing this pack, you will see a lot of hot and sexy skins in your game. There are 9 different girl skins in the pack.
Skins are not mine, I just made a pack of them.
Why did I make it?
Everything is simple. People love SERGIO skins, so I decided to make it faster and more convenient for them to install a whole pack of skins from this author.
1. Don't think of stealing this pack, or skins from it
2. If you want to share them, then ask permission from SERGIO_Van_Dyk.
3. If you want to shoot a video on YouTube with these mods, or post it on your website, then indicate the author.
4. You can place this pack anywhere except Gtaind.
Animations: DshGames/modeeper and ashslow
Don't forget to rate SERGIO_VAN_DYK
Hello Guys. Today i'll upload a mod but this mod isn't by mine. you will see hot & sexy ever skin in GTA
with one click you already Got 9 sexy & hot skin.
Question & Answer:
Q: Why do you do this?
A: Simple. i just want to make it easier for people love use this skin sexy mod by SERGIO. i know them want one click get more skin than one. so this idea i'm already think & will be useful if this mod is succesfly to public.
1. Don't steal this mod
2. IF You want share this mod you have to get permission with SERGIO_Van For his/she skin and for anim you have to get permission with his/she anim.
3. Please give a credits when you want to share to your youtube channel or your favorite site.
4. You Can Share any website exception Gtaind [Much Stealer at there]
Credits: Author Skin By: SERGIO_VAN_DYK
Author Anim By: DshGames/modeeper and ashslow
Don't Forget to Give SERGIO_VAN_DYK Good rate for his/she work
Всем привет! Установив этот пак, вы увидите в своей игре множество горячих и сексуальных скинов. В паке находятся 9 разных скинов девушек.
Скины не мои, я лишь сделал из них пак.
Почему я сделал его?
Всё просто. Люди любят скины SERGIO, поэтому я решил сделать для них более быструю и удобную установку целого пака скинов от этого автора.
1. Не думайте красть этот пак, или скины из него
2. Если вы хотите ими поделиться, то спросите разрешение у SERGIO_Van_Dyk.
3. Если вы хотите снять видео на Ютуб с этими модам, или разместить на своём сайте, то укажите автора.
4. Вы можете размещать этот пак где угодно, кроме Gtaind.
Анимации: DshGames/modeeper и ashslow
Не забудьте оценить работу SERGIO_VAN_DYK
Hello Guys. Today i'll upload a mod but this mod isn't by mine. you will see hot & sexy ever skin in GTA
with one click you already Got 9 sexy & hot skin.
Question & Answer:
Q: Why you Do this?
A: Simple. i just want make easier for people love use this skin sexy mod by SERGIO. i know them want one click get more skin than one. so this idea i'm already think & will be useful if this mod is succesfly to public.
1. Do not steal this mod
2. IF You want share this mod you have to get permission with SERGIO_Van For his/she skin and for anim you have to get permission with his/she anim.
3. Please give a credits when you want share to your youtube channel or your favourite site.
4. You Can Share any website exception Gtaind [Much Stealer at there]
Author Skin By: SERGIO_VAN_DYK
Author Anim By: DshGames/modeeper and ashslow
Don't Forget to Give SERGIO_VAN_DYK Good rate for his/she work
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