GTA 5 Canis Seminole Frontier SA Style & Tunable
Canis Seminole Frontier by Calvin.linardi.
This is the Seminole Frontier from the recent major DLC Summer Special for GTA Online, converted to SA and correctly integrated into its gaming realities.
There are two versions of the model in the archive:
1. replace (for SAMP) - Normal, to replace the existing model. Very well suited for playing SAMP.
2. Add w tunig parts - "Addon" version, which does not replace anything, but adds a new car to the game, along with tuning.
- Style SA / Lowpoly
- Own settings Handling
- Custom collision, LOD and shadow
- Own tuning
Thanks a lot:
- XG417 for testing the model and awesome screenshots
- Rockstar Games for a bunch of assets
- And to all the people from the Discord server for their help
Models and textures are not locked!
But please ask my permission before doing anything, or at least credit me as the author.
And let me know if you find any bugs.
If you want to see more mods, visit my workshop on GTA Forums!
--Canis Seminole Frontier--
By: Calvin.linardi
Converted Seminole Frontier from GTAV Summer Special DLC and edited to fit game lore, the archive included the standard one for SA-MP and added with custom tuning part.
- SA Style / Lowpoly
- Custom Handling
- Custom COL, LOD and shadow mesh
- custom tuning parts
Special thanks to:
- XG417 for testing and some epic screenshot
- Rockstar games for some assets
- and everyone on discord server for helping me
Open source files are unlocked!
but please ask me before you do anything or at least credited me.
And tell me if you see any bug.
Visit GTA Forums for more!
Canis Seminole Frontier от Calvin.linardi.
Это Seminole Frontier из недавнего крупного DLC Summer Special для GTA Online, сконвертированный в SA и грамотно вписанный в её игровые реалии.
В архиве лежат две версии модели:
1. replace (for SAMP) - Обычная, на замену существующей модели. Очень хорошо подходит для игры в SAMP.
2. Add w tunig parts - \"Аддон\" версия, которая ничего не заменяет, а добавляет в игру новый автомобиль, вместе с тюнингом.
- Стиль SA / Lowpoly
- Свои настройки Handling
- Своя коллизия, LOD и тень
- Собственный тюнинг
Большое спасибо:
- XG417 за тестирование модели и офигительные скриншоты
- Rockstar Games за кучу ассетов
- И всем людям с Дискорд-сервера за помощь
Модели и текстуры не заблокированы!
Но пожалуйста, спросите у меня разрешение, перед тем как что либо сделать, ну или хотя бы укажите меня в авторах.
И сообщайте мне о найденных багах.
Если вы хотите увидеть больше модов, посетите мою мастерскую на GTA Forums!
--Canis Seminole Frontier--
By: Calvin.linardi
Converted Seminole Frontier from GTAV Summer Special DLC and edited to fit game lore, the archive included the standart one for SA-MP and added with custom tuning part.
- SA Style / Lowpoly
- Custom Handling
- Custom COL, LOD and shadow mesh
- custom tuning parts
Special thanks to:
- XG417 for testing and some epic screenshot
- Rockstar games for some assets
- and everyone on discord server for helping me
Open source files are Unlocked!
but please ask me before you do anything or at least credited me.
And tell me if you see any bug.
Visit GTA Forums for more!
Support the author
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