1992 Imponte DF8-90
The real TheMadeMan is here! This is a 1992 Imponte DF8-90. The model is made from scratch and is based on the Pontiac Grand Am of the same year.
One of my cars workshop.
- All in SA style.
- The car is meant to be added as new, but you can replace it with any 4 door car without any problems.
- Supported tuning in TransFender.
Details in the ReadME.
Real TheMadeMan here, this is the 1992 Imponte DF8-90. Model made from scratch. Based on the 1992 Pontiac Grand Am.
Part of my workshop.
- Whole body SA Style.
- This is intended to be added without replacement. Although you can replace any 4-door car.
- Support Transfender tuning
More in the ReadME file.
Настоящий TheMadeMan уже здесь! Это Imponte DF8-90 1992 года выпуска. Модель сделана с нуля и основана на Pontiac Grand Am этого же года.
Одна из машин моей мастерской.
- Всё в стиле SA.
- Автомобиль предназначается для того, чтобы добавить его как новый, но вы можете без проблем заменить его на любой 4-х дверный автомобиль.
- Поддерживается тюнинг в ТрансФендере.
Подробности в ReadME.
Real TheMadeMan here, this is the 1992 Imponte DF8-90. Model made from scratch. Based on the 1992 Pontiac Grand Am.
Part of my workshop.
- Whole body in SA Style.
- This is intended to be added without replacing. Although you can replace any 4-door car.
- Support Transfender tuning
More in the ReadME file.
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