MDPMv5 (speakers vibrating with bass) - Speakers with bass support

WARNING:This mod only works with the latest versions of CLEO! (4.3.23 or later) Read the Readme file.
Directional music from trunk v5 (MDPMv5).
A mod that has gone far from its name.
This must be the first time in history that a 3D game shows real car sound with vibrations in time with the bass frequencies of the playing track.
Yes, this CLEO mod for GTA San Andreas created by me ( Junior_Djjr ), and Fabio, which used an algorithm that measures the frequencies of music and converts them into movement dynamics, simulating vibrations in accordance with the music, including the differentiation of subwoofer from woofer.
download new skins for this player from here . You can also move, resize and hide it whenever you want.
After the successful release of MDPMv4, which was for several years the most downloaded mod on the MixMods , I decided to start developing MDPMv5, the idea of creating which I had back in 2012, when all the videos together received almost 1 million views, despite the fact that my channel is not very popular.
Several people asked me to return to GTA SA to test this mod.
Warning:With the release of Tuning Mod v3, you can simply install the speaker and it will work automatically! - only works with pre-adapted speakers like Pack BMS Sound v3.1 .
It can be a car sound mod or a simple custom player.
Compatible audio formats:
.mp3 | .wav | .ogg | .aiff | .mp4 | .flac | .m4a | .aac | .3gp | .wma
Multimedia keyboard support.
Coming soon:
Street cars (NPCs) that play music;
.asi and help:Fabio
Special thanks to:Shmoopy (for help in realizing the idea), (animations); HybridTheory (Spanish translation of .ini); ArtututuVidor$ (tests)
English & Portuguese & Spanish
ATTENTION:This mod requires the latest CLEO version (4.3.23 or newer) to work! Read the Readme file!!!
Directional Music to Trunk v5 (MDPMv5), which is far beyond this name...
This should be the first time in history that a 3D game features automotive sound with speakers vibrating with the actual bass of the music.
Yes, this mod cleo for GTA San Andreas created by me ( Junior_Djjr
Includes remote control and a beautiful music player on the screen, which can be fully customizable or download new skins . Also move it, resize it and hide it anytime you want.
After the success of MDPMv4, which was for several years the second and third most downloaded mod of MixMods , the idea of what MDPMv5 would be started in 2012, where all the videos together got almost 1 million views even with my channel being non-famous.
Several people said to return to play GTA SA just to test this mod.
Attention:With the release of the Tuning Mod v3 you can simply install the speaker that it will automatically work! — works only on pre-adapted speakers, such as the Pack BMS Sound v3.1 .
It can be either an automotive sound mod or a simple custom music player. You can change or turn off bass boost in addition to 2 different 3D effect modes.
Compatible with:
.mp3 | .wav | .ogg | .aiff | .mp4 | .flac | .m4a | .aac | .3gp | .wma
Multimedia keyboard support.
Coming soon:
Street cars (NPCs) playing music;
.asi and support:Fabio
Special thanks:Shmoopy (for helping resuscitate the idea), (anims); HybridTheory (Spanish translation of .ini); ArtututuVidor$ (tests)
English & Portuguese & Spanish
ВНИМАНИЕ: Этот мод работает только с последними версиями CLEO! (4.3.23 или новее) Прочитайте Readme файл.
Направленная музыка из багажника v5 (MDPMv5).
Мод, который ушёл далеко от своего названия.
Это, должно быть, первый в истории момент, когда 3D игра демонстрирует настоящий автомобильный звук с вибрациями в такт басовым частотам играющего трека.
Да, этот CLEO мод для GTA San Andreas созданный мной (Junior_Djjr), и Fabio, который использовал алгоритм, измеряющий частоты музыки и преобразующий их в движение динамика, имитируя вибрации в соответствии с музыкой, включая дифференцирование сабвуфера от вуфера.
Включает в себя дистанционное управление и красивый музыкальный плеер на экране, стиль которого вы можете полностью изменить под себя самостоятельно, или скачать новые скины для этого плеера отсюда. Также вы можете двигать, менять размер и прятать его когда захотите.
После успешного релиза MDPMv4, который был в течение нескольких лет наиболее загружаемым модом на сайте MixMods, я решил заняться разработкой MDPMv5, идея создания которого у меня появилась ещё в 2012 году, когда все видео вместе получили почти 1 миллион просмотров, при том, что мой канал имеет не очень большую популярность.
Несколько человек попросили меня вернуться в GTA SA, чтобы протестировать этот мод.
Внимание:С выпуском Tuning Mod v3 вы можете просто установить динамик и он будет работать автоматически! - работает только с предварительно адаптированными динамиками, такими как Pack BMS Sound v3.1.
Он может быть автомобильным звуковым модом или простым пользовательским плеером. Вы можете изменить или отключить усиление низких частот в дополнение к двум остальным режимам 3D-эффектов.
Совместимые аудио форматы:
.mp3 | .wav | .ogg | .aiff | .mp4 | .flac | .m4a | .aac | .3gp | .wma
Поддержка мультимедийной клавиатуры.
Скоро будет:
Уличные машины (NPC), из которых играет музыка;
Автор: Junior_Djjr
.asi и помощь: Fabio
Особая благодарность: Shmoopy (за помощь в реализации идеи), (анимации); HybridTheory (перевод .ini на испанский); ArtututuVidor$ (тесты)
Английский & Португальский & Испанский
ATTENTION: This mod requires the latest CLEO version (4.3.23 or newer) to work! Read the Readme file!!!
Directional Music to Trunk v5 (MDPMv5), which is far beyond this name...
This should be the first time in history that a 3D game features automotive sound with speakers vibrating with the actual bass of the music.
Yes, this mod cleo for GTA San Andreas created by me (Junior_Djjr) and Fabio uses an algorithm that measures the frequencies of the music and transforms into the movement of the speaker, thus simulating a vibrating speaker according to the music, including differentiating subwoofer from woofer.
Includes remote control and a beautiful music player on the screen, which can be fully customizable or download new skins. Also move it, resize it and hide it anytime you want.
After the success of MDPMv4, which was for several years the second and third most downloaded mod of MixMods, the idea of what MDPMv5 would be started in 2012, where all the videos together got almost 1 million views even with my channel being non-famous.
Several people said to return to play GTA SA just to test this mod.
Attention: With the release of the Tuning Mod v3 you can simply install the speaker that it will automatically work! — works only on pre-adapted speakers, such as the Pack BMS Sound v3.1.
It can be either an automotive sound mod or a simple custom music player. You can change or turn off bass boost in addition to 2 different 3D effect modes.
Compatible with:
.mp3 | .wav | .ogg | .aiff | .mp4 | .flac | .m4a | .aac | .3gp | .wma
Multimedia keyboard support.
Coming soon:
Street cars (NPCs) playing music;
Author: Junior_Djjr
.asi and support: Fabio
Special thanks: Shmoopy (for helping resuscitate the idea), (anims); HybridTheory (Spanish translation of .ini); ArtututuVidor$ (tests)
English & Portuguese & Spanish
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