SAMP 0.3.8 RC-4

Original text[EN]:
The 0.3.8 version of SA-MP will feature server-side custom models. Right now custom objects and custom player skins are supported, with more types planned for the future. Since this feature potentially has a large scope for some servers, 0.3.8 is being placed in to RC early. This gives server owners plenty of time to plan. These new features will take some time to formalize, so be please be patient with the release.
Although there are several new security features related to custom models, these are not yet enabled in the current build. Only use the RC version on servers you trust as there could be unknown security flaws in GTA:SA model formats.
SA-MP 0.3.8 RC-4 Client update
- Adds support for URL redirection for model/texture downloads, which means you can host downloads on a web server instead of sending them through the SA-MP server. Client URL downloading is done via libcurl version 7.57.0 compiled with support for http, https, and zlib (gzip).
- If you require a proxy server to download over http, a proxy address can be entered in the Tools > Settings dialog of the SA-MP server browser.
- Adds various pawn functions to deal with download redirection. See the dl_redirect.pwn filterscript for more information.
- Adds GetPlayerCustomSkin() function.
When SetPlayerSkin is used to set a custom skin (downloaded from the server), GetPlayerSkin returns the base skin (from the game), not the custom skin ID. Instead you must use GetPlayerCustomSkin to get the custom skin ID. The SA-MP client and server assume that downloads could fail, or that custom models may fail to load, in which case the base skin used in AddCharModel() is still the main skin.
Approximate translation [RU] (do not judge strictly):
In version SA-MP 0.3.8, the ability to load custom models from the client side will be added (they will be loaded at login). The ability to add
models and skins on the server, in the future we plan to add more types of supported files.
Since while this function loads some servers, the client is still in the pre-release stage. This gives owners time to plan. New functions require
Several new security features related to custom models have been added, but they are not yet enabled in the current build. Only use this version on servers you trust, as user-generated game files may contain various malware.
SA-MP 0.3.8 RC-4 version updates:
- Added support for redirecting URLs for model/texture downloads, which means you can host downloads on a web server instead of sending them through the SA-MP server.
Loading the client URL is done with libcurl version 7.57.0 compiled with http, https and zlib (gzip) support.
- If you want the proxy to load over http, the proxy address can be entered in the Tools > Options dialog in the SAMP client.
- Added pawn functions to make redirect work for model/texture loading. More information is written in the dl_redirect.pwn file, filterscript.
- Added GetPlayerCustomSkin() function.
must use GetPlayerCustomSkin to get the skin id. If it is accepted that loading may fail or that custom models may not load,
in this case, the main skin used in AddCharModel() is still the main one.
Оригинальный текст[EN]:
The 0.3.8 version of SA-MP will feature server-side custom models. Right now custom objects and custom player skins are supported, with more types planned for the future. Since this feature potentially has a large scope for some servers, 0.3.8 is being placed in to RC early. This gives server owners plenty of time to plan. These new features will take some time to formalise, so be please be patient with the release.
Although there are several new security features related to custom models, these are not yet enabled in the current build. Only use the RC version on servers you trust as there could be unknown security flaws in GTA:SA model formats.
SA-MP 0.3.8 RC-4 Client update
- Adds support for URL redirection for model/texture downloads, which means you can host downloads on a web server instead of sending them through the SA-MP server. Client URL downloading is done via libcurl version 7.57.0 compiled with support for http, https, and zlib (gzip).
- If you require a proxy server to download over http, a proxy address can be entered in the Tools > Settings dialog of the SA-MP server browser.
- Adds various pawn functions to deal with download redirection. See the dl_redirect.pwn filterscript for more information.
- Adds GetPlayerCustomSkin() function.
When SetPlayerSkin is used to set a custom skin (downloaded from the server), GetPlayerSkin returns the base skin (from the game), not the custom skin ID. Instead you must use GetPlayerCustomSkin to get the custom skin ID. The SA-MP client and server assume that downloads could fail, or that custom models may fail to load, in which case the base skin used in AddCharModel() is still the main skin.
Приблизительный перевод [RU] (не судить строго):
В версии СА-МП 0.3.8 будет добавлена возможность загружать пользовательские модели со стороны клиента (они будут загружатся при входе). Уже реализована возможность добавлять
на сервер модели и скины, в будущем планируем добавить больше типов поддерживаемых файлов.
Поскольку пока эта функция нагружает некоторые сервера, клиент пока находится в предрелизной стадии. Это дает владельцам время для планирования. Новым функциям требуется
некоторое время для формализации, поэтому будьте терпеливы и ждите релиза.
Добавлено несколько новых функций безопасности, связанных с пользовательскими моделями, но они еще не включены в текущей сборке. Используйте эту версию только на серверах, которым вы доверяете, поскольку в пользовательских файлах игры могут содержаться различные вредоносные программы.
Обновления версии SA-MP 0.3.8 RC-4:
- Добавлена поддержка перенаправления URL-адресов для загрузки модели / текстуры, что означает, что вы можете размещать загрузки на веб-сервере вместо отправки их через сервер SA-MP.
Загрузка URL-адреса клиента выполняется с помощью libcurl версии 7.57.0, скомпилированной с поддержкой http, https и zlib (gzip).
- Если вы хотите, чтобы прокси-сервер загружался через http, адрес прокси можно ввести в диалоговом окне «Инструменты»> «Параметры» в клиенте SAMP.
- Добавлены pawn функции, чтобы работало перенаправление для загрузки модели / текстуры. Больше информации написано в файле dl_redirect.pwn, filterscript.
- Добавлена функция GetPlayerCustomSkin ().
Когда SetPlayerSkin используется для установки пользовательского скина (скачанного с сервера), GetPlayerSkin возвращает базовый скин (из игры), а не пользовательский id скина. Вы
должны использовать GetPlayerCustomSkin для получения id скина. Если допускается, что загрузка может завершиться неудачей или что пользовательские модели могут не загружаться,
в этом случае основной скин, используемый в AddCharModel (), по-прежнему остается основным.
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