PS2 style graphics preset
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20.84 Kb
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11 November 2023graficheskijj-preset-v-stile-ps2_1699719682_75164.rar
my gta sa de original ps2 reshade
This modification, will make the graphics of GTA San Andreas, similar to those that were in the PS2 version of the game.
- Quality modification;
- No bugs.
Enjoy the game.
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6 December 2021
GTA San Andreas: The Definitive Edition

Vivid and sharp
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2 December 2023
GTA San Andreas: The Definitive Edition

Visual effects in the style of 90s
90s Atmosphere — PS2 Aesthetic This graphic customization, will make 90s style graphics. Features: Quality customization; Looks great in the game. Enjoy the game.
17 November 2021
GTA San Andreas: The Definitive Edition

PS2 original atmosphere
A graphical mod that brings back the original PS2 atmosphere to GTA SA. Of course, this is only an approximation of how the game looked in the past with a warmer tone. It is adapted to the current game by improving the lighting. Have a good game!
18 November 2021
GTA San Andreas: The Definitive Edition

Improve graphics - enable ray tracing [GTA 3, Vice City, San Andreas]
This is Unreal Trilogy Reshades RayTracing ini settings Enabled Along with Optional Optimized ini Files Graphic modification for Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy improves the visual component of the game. A custom preset enables ray tracing simulation...
20 November 2021
GTA San Andreas: The Definitive Edition

Radar, map and icons in the style of GTA 5 [GTA 3, VC, SA]
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2 December 2021
GTA San Andreas: The Definitive Edition

Photorealistic graphics
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4 December 2021
GTA San Andreas: The Definitive Edition

Realistic graphics (RLGE)
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23 December 2021
GTA San Andreas: The Definitive Edition

New graphics
Photorealistic GTA This mod will update the graphics for San Andreas: Definitive Edition.
2 July 2022
GTA San Andreas: The Definitive Edition

Realistic graphic setting
Realistic Blurshades Natural This modification improves the graphics and makes it more realistic.
29 April 2023
GTA San Andreas: The Definitive Edition

Western Style Map
Western Style Map SA This modification, will add to the game map in the style of Western. Features: Quality textures; No bugs. Enjoy the game.
1 November 2023
GTA San Andreas: The Definitive Edition

Realistic and improved graphics
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6 kB
17 November 2021
GTA San Andreas: The Definitive Edition

Classic graphics
Classic Base RESHADE. This modification returns the classic graphics. The environment becomes less bright, less bluish, and the environment becomes more natural.

37 MB
20 November 2021
GTA San Andreas: The Definitive Edition

Radar and map in the style of Google Maps [GTA 3, VC, SA]
[GTA:DE] - Atlas Radar Map. This map is based on Google Maps colors. Icons and radar have also been replaced. The modification is suitable for GTA 3 and Vice City.
22 November 2021
GTA San Andreas: The Definitive Edition

Wallpaper in the style of the 1990s
1990's Themed Living room wallpaper design. Features: High-quality textures; Do not spoil the atmosphere of the game; The wallpaper has been replaced in the house on Grove Street.
23 November 2021
GTA San Andreas: The Definitive Edition

Atmosphere in the style of VC and SA concept trailers
GTA Trilogy Softmosphere (Reshade). This mod makes games more like GTA SA and VC Remastered "Welcome to the 80s" concept trailers, softer blooms, more color and no FPS drop. Features: Gives games a blooming soft look; No loss of performanc...
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