Completely Passed Game

All missions (both main and side ones) have been completely completed, the hearts of all girls have been conquered, all areas have been captured, all clothes have been bought, all graffiti has been painted over, shells and horseshoes have been collected, all pictures have been taken, all skills are at maximum (except for fat). I also want to note the maximum money, endless ammo, endless lives and armor, indifference on the part of the cops.
Where to throw the files folder: android/data/com.rockstargames.gtasa replace the existing files folder with the downloaded one, start the game, load the save.
Полностью пройдены все миссии (и главные, и побочные), покорены сердца всех девушек, захвачены все районы, куплена вся одежда, закрашены все граффити, собраны ракушки и подковы, сделаны все снимки, все навыки на максимуме (кроме жира). Также хочется отметить максимум денег, бесконечные патроны, бесконечные жизни и броня, безразличие со стороны копов.
Куда кидать папку files: android/data/com.rockstargames.gtasa заменяете уже имеющуюся папку files на скачанную, запускаете игру, загружаете сейв.
Recommended files

The game is 100% completed (Everything is collected and pumped)

Save before the last Los Santos mission with unique vehicles

Hidden packages from GTA Vice City

One hundred percent preservation

Saving at 100%

100% playthrough

Completed game

Legendary Save (Game Completed 100%)

Saving with a completed game [DOESN'T WORK]

The game is 100% passed

Game completed 100%

Save completed game

Completed game 100%

Game completed 100%