OMORI Graphics
Yumi,Mas Aru
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962.26 Kb
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Files with known extensions that were found in the archive.
colorcycle.dat, gta_sa.set, timecyc.dat, to txd
Total downloads: 2329
Unique downloads: 2056












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21 August
OMORI Graphics for GTA San Andreas (iOS, Android)
This modification updates your graphics, preserving the features of the original game.
- Black and white sky;
- Expanded fog area;
- Gloss Reflection;
- Fixed dynamic lighting;
- Removal of the oil on the player model that was in the original.
There is no shortage of graphics, yes indeed the graphics are like this. Depending on your individual tastes, what and how. Enjoy the game!
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The author answered the following questions upon publication. By downloading the file, you agree to abide by these rules.
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Only after receiving the author's permission
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