Rapa icons in NFS style
Shaverma Games (six-one-nine)
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229.58 Kb
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Aidil Is Man


Пахом Иваныч



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Channel Jordan

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24 April 2022ikonki-radapa-v-stile-nfs_1650755814_483410.zipPassword for the archive: libertycity
mega.nzDownloadPassword for the archive: libertycity
NFS Radar Icons for GTA San Andreas (IOS, Android)
- Nice style
- Good quality
Installation: textures from "With alpha" folder, replace with TXD Tool in Android/data/com.rockstargames.gtasa/files/texdb/txd/txd.txt
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Иконки радаpa в стиле NFS
NFS Radar Icons для GTA San Andreas (IOS, Android)
- Неплохой стиль
- Хорошее качество
Установка: текстуры с папки "With alpha", заменить с помощью TXD Tool в Android/data/com.rockstargames.gtasa/files/texdb/txd/txd.txt
Guides for installing mods
Recommended files
8 May 2020
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

New icons in USA style
Hey! I would like to present you my icons in USA style. They did it for 2 hours. I will not say much, because there is nothing. Author: I I will be very pleased if you subscribe to my group Good luck everyone and bye! Installation: 1) Go to g...
6 June 2022
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

Speedometer in the style of NFS Underground 2
Speedometer in the style of NFS Underground 2 for GTA San Andreas (iOS, Android) Mod features: Good texture quality; Looks good in the game; The mod is suitable for assemblies. Have a nice game!

380 kB
29 May 2016
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

New menu in the style of GTA SA
This mod will replace the standard menu in GTA San Andreas (Android) with a new one. Changed loading screens, icons and more. Everything is in the style of our favorite GTA-shki) To install, move the "menu" folder to Android/data/com.rockstargames.gt...
7 June 2020
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

Font in the style of Need For Speed: Most Wanted
NFS Most Wanted 2005 Font This mod will replace the standard font and make it in the style of the game Need For Speed: Most Wanted.

63 kB
30 October 2022
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

Menu in the style of GTA IV
This modification replaces the standard SA menu with a menu in the style of GTA 4. All the most important things have been replaced in the menu. The menu is optimized and does not crash (if it crashes, it's sooooo rare). The archive contains a ma...
20 January 2017
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

Pak scripts in the style of GTA IV
A pack of scripts in the style of GTA IV Installation: upload not files Description: 1.Camera, as in GTA IV 2. Throwing out peds like GTA IV 3.Turning your head like in GTA IV 4. Burning tires like in GTA IV 5. Putting on a helmet, like in GTA IV 6. ...
18 December 2018
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

HD GTA 5 HUD - Hood in the style of GTA 5
HD GTA 5 HUD - Hood in the style of GTA 5! - Taken HD textures; - New radar from GTA5. - Changed the position of health and armor (now they are under the radar)
31 December 2018
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

Radar in the style of GTA 5 / GTA 4
GTA IV/V Styled Radar for Android [COMPLETE] - Radar in the style of GTA 5/GTA 4!
29 January 2020
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

Map in the style of GTA V for Android
GTA V Style Map for Android The mod will replace the standard map with a map in the style of GTA V.

891 kB
8 April 2020
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

Roads in the style of GTA 5 v2
GTA V Road texture V2 for Android This modification replaces all the roads in San Andreas and makes them in the style of GTA 5.

189 MB
8 April 2020
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

Reflection on cars in the style of GTA 5
GTA V Car Reflectors for Mobile This mod improves Timecyc, and also makes a reflection on cars in the style of GTA 5. To activate / deactivate, press "1".
3 November 2022
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

Graphics in the style of GTA 4
GTA IV GRAPHIC ENB for Android This modification changes the graphics in GTA San Andreas Mobile and makes it in the style of GTA 4. What's inside the archive? - Timecycle; - Colorcycle; - SAAExten 3.4.1. Archive password: Project ENB IV Rafli&ZS...
3 November 2022
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

Graphics in the style of GTA 5 V1.4
GTA V Style Timecyc V1.4 for Android This modification improves the graphics in GTA San Andreas Android AND makes it in the style of GTA 5. What's in the archive? - New Timecyc; - New Colorcycle. Archive password: V1.4 RE-Edit Muhammad Rafli
11 May 2020
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

Menu and loading screen in the style of GTA 5
Simple GTA V Menu and Loadscreen HQ for Mobile This modification replaces the loading screen and makes it in the style of GTA 5. Installation: folder from archive " Menu ", move to Android/Data/com.rockstargames.gtasa/files/Texdb.
3 November 2022
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

Reflections in the style of GTA LCS
BETA LCS Reflections for SA This mod adds reflections to the car, in the style of GTA Liberty City Stories. Now it looks like the sky is displayed on cars. Useful for those who have a weak device.
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