90s Atmosphere Vehicles Pack Reborn for Mobile

3 February 202490s-atmosphere-vehicles-pack-reborn-for_1706983663_137481.zip
90's Atmosphere Vehicles Pack Reborn [Mobile]
This pack aims to add more realism to the game. It replaces ALL vehicles in the game with real analogues from the 90s in good quality. The pack contains the best and coolest cars that can be found on the Internet :)
FireflyBMS — Assembled the pack
cheeseburger — Ported to the mobile version of the game, editing the contents of the pack
Car authors are listed in credits.txt
Attention: This pack of machines is recommended for medium and high power devices. If you install the pack on a weak device, then you may have problems with in-game performance and low FPS. Not to mention the overheating of the video processor. So install at your own risk.
It took me 4 months to finish this pack. I did my best to stabilize it on all types of devices and in all missions.
This pack replaces all vehicles, such as planes, helicopters, trailers, trains, motorcycles, cars, R/C cars, and even some cars not used by the game.
This pack also differs from the original one in that some transport models have been replaced. This was done because some models did not fit into the limits preset by the game, were not compatible with the game and caused it to crash. Actually, that’s why I decided to replace these models with their counterparts, also from the 90s, slightly editing them so that they were more similar to the originals. They also fit perfectly into this pack.
90's Atmosphere Vehicles Pack Reborn [Mobile]
This pack was made to focus the realism in the game, And it contains some of the best and coolest recreation vehicles that you can find on the internet. :)
cheeseburger — Ported to mobile, Re-edit Modification
FireflyBMS — Modification Pack
Vehicles authors is on the credits.txt
Note: This modification pack is for mid to high end devices. When you install this to your low end device, you will have a performance issue that the frame rate of the game will drastically decreases, So install it at your own risk.
It takes me 4 months to finish this mobile modification pack, and I do a lot of efforts to make compatible and stable on all mobile devices even on missions.
This ported modification has several changes on texture names to prevent the replacement of existing texture names
This modification will replace all vehicles including planes, helis, trailers, trains, bikes, cars, rc vehicles and even the unused vehicles.
And this ported modification has different between the original 90's AVP. Due to limitation, some vehicles doesn't compatible / stable on mobile that can cause game crashes.
90's Atmosphere Vehicles Pack Reborn [Mobile]
Этот пак направлен на то, чтобы добавить больше реализма в игру. Он заменяет ВЕСЬ транспорт в игре на настоящие аналоги из 90-х в хорошем качестве. Пак содержит в себе самые лучшие и наикрутейшие автомобили, которые вообще можно найти в интернете :)
FireflyBMS — Собрал пак
cheeseburger — Портировал на мобильную версию игры, подредактировав содержимое пака
Авторы автомобилей указаны в credits.txt
Внимание: Этот пак машин рекомендован для устройств средней и высокой мощности. Если вы установите пак на слабое устройство, то у вас могут быть проблемы с производительностью в игре и низким фпс. Не говоря уже о перегреве видеопроцессора. Так что устанавливайте на свой страх и риск.
Мне понадобилось 4 месяца, чтобы закончить этот пак. Я сделал всё возможное, чтобы стабилизировать его работу на всех типах устройств и во всех миссиях.
В этой версии пака изменены названия некоторых текстур, чтобы они не пересекались с уже существующими и не конфликтовали с ними.
Этот пак заменяет все транспортные средства, такие как самолёты, вертолёты, прицепы, поезда, мотоциклы, машины, Р/У машины, и даже неиспользуемые игрой некоторые автомобили.
А также этот пак отличается от оригинального тем, что в нём были заменены некоторые модели транспорта. Это сделано потому, что некоторые модели не вписывались в предустановленные игрой лимиты, не были совместимы с игрой и вызывали её краши. Собственно, поэтому я и решил заменить эти модели на их аналоги, тоже из 90х, немного подредактировав их так, чтобы они были больше похожи на оригиналы. Они тоже замечательно вписались в этот пак.
90's Atmosphere Vehicles Pack Reborn [Mobile]
This pack was made to focus the realism in game, And it contains some of the best and coolest vehicles recreation that you can find on the internet. :)
cheeseburger — Ported to mobile, Re-edit Modification
FireflyBMS — Modification Pack
Vehicles authors is on the credits.txt
Note: This modification pack is for mid to high end devices. When you install this to your low end device, you will having a performance issue that the frame rate of the game will drastically decreases, So install it at your own risk.
It takes me 4 months to finish this mobile modification pack, and I do a lot of efforts to make compatible and stable on all mobile devices even on missions.
This ported modification has several changes on texture names to prevent the replacement of existing texture names
This modification will replace all vehicles including planes, helis, trailers, trains, bikes, cars, rc vehicles and even the unused vehicles.
And this ported modification has different between the original 90's AVP. Due to limitation, some vehicles doesn't compatible / stable on mobile that can cause game crashes. So I decided to change them with the same 90's models and making them similar to real life vehicle 90's models (with no issues) that will stay accurated the point of this modification.
Guides for installing mods
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