Killed people counter
GTAshnik, Undercover
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1602079657_killed-people.zipDownload (0.01 MB)Password for the archive: libertycity
Killed people counter for mobile
Now the screen will show the number of people you have killed.
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Счетчик убитых людей
Killed people counter for mobile
Теперь на экране будет написано количество людей, которое ты убил.
Guides for installing mods
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20 July 2016
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

RC Mod for Android
Hello everyone! I decided to port this mod from PC to Android 2 months ago, and yesterday I fixed its last bug. There were a huge number of bugs, including bugs that were only on Android, their list and detailed information about the script in the fo...
7 June 2019
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

police radar
Police Rader Cleo for GTA SA! This mod will add a radar to the top left corner of the screen that will display police cars! This will allow you to more quietly kill people and cause disturbances, and it will also be easier to hide from the cops.
2 March 2020
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

Archery Mod for Mobile Now Karl will be able to kill people with a bow. The bow replaces the dildo.

339 kB
23 March 2017
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

Zombie kill counter
I think everyone understands what the script does. Installation: Unpack to Android/data Recommended to be used with a script from the same author, ported by me:
8 June 2020
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

People get into your car
People Passengers for Android Now when you press "7", the person who will be closest to you will get into your car. To get the person out, press "7" again.
8 January 2021
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

Capture people / Human shield
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9 September 2021
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

Corpses of people do not disappear
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30 October 2022
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

Different behavior of people (Android)
Now some people of the state behave differently (Talking on the phone or drinking, for example). Need ROOT + CLEO Installation inside the archive.
27 July 2019
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

Increasing the gang to 10 people
10 Max Grove Street Members Mod for Android GTA SA! With this mod, you can gather up to 10 people in your gang, instead of 3. as it was before!
5 March 2020
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

On the beaches people swim in the water
Now you can meet people on all the beaches in our state. (see review, also look for a map in the archive with beach marks). Features: - On the beaches of Los Santos and San Fierro you will be able to meet people around the clock (big city and infl...

3 MB
14 March 2020
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

Kill zombies (horror mod)
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31 March 2020
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

Kill Claude
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31 March 2020
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

Kill Big Smoke
Smokin' Smoke It just so happened that Big Smoke did not die and he is waiting for revenge. You can find him in San Fierro (Pier 69), surrounded by guards (prostitutes), killing the guards is not so difficult, but with Smoke it will be harder, but f...
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GTA SA (iOS, Android)

Kill and destroy with thought
Killer Mind for Android CJ has abilities and now he can kill a person or blow up a car with the help of a thought. Activation: - 1 and 7 to kill a person; - 1 and 9 to blow up the car. To kill or blow up, you need to be near a person or machine...

12 kB
11 July 2020
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

Effect and sound from GTA 5 when killing or arresting
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