Nice graphics
Dev Gaming Exclusive
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4.12 Mb
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Files with known extensions that were found in the archive.
360default1280x720.cfg, 360default960x720.cfg, animgrp.dat, ar_stats.dat, audiozon.ipl, barriers.ide, carcols.dat, cargrp.dat, carmods.dat, carrec.img, clothes.dat, colorcycle.dat, countn2.ide, countn2.ipl, countrye.ide, countrye.ipl, countryn.ide, countryn.ipl, countrys.ide, countrys.ipl, countryw.ide, countryw.ipl, counxref.ide, cull.ipl, default.dat, default.ide, dynamic.ide, dynamic2.ide, fonts.dat, furnitur.dat, gen_int1.ide, gen_int1.ipl, gen_int2.ide, gen_int2.ipl, gen_int3.ide, gen_int3.ipl, gen_int4.ide, gen_int4.ipl, gen_int5.ide, gen_int5.ipl, gen_intb.ide, gen_intb.ipl, gridref.dat, gta.dat, handling.cfg, int_cont.ide, int_cont.ipl, int_la.ide, int_la.ipl, int_sf.ide, int_sf.ipl, int_veg.ide, int_veg.ipl, lae.ide, lae.ipl, lae2.ide, lae2.ipl, lahills.ide, lahills.ipl, lan.ide, lan.ipl, lan2.ide, lan2.ipl, las.ide, las.ipl, las2.ide, las2.ipl, law.ide, law.ipl, law2.ide, law2.ipl, lawn.ide, lawn.ipl, laxref.ide, leveldes.ide, leveldes.ipl, levelmap.ide, levelmap.ipl, levelxre.ide, mainv1.scm, maps/sf, melee.dat, multiobj.ide, object.dat, occlu.ipl, occluint.ipl, occlula.ipl, occlusf.ipl, occluveg.ipl, paths.ipl, paths2.ipl, paths3.ipl, paths4.ipl, paths5.ipl, ped.dat, pedgrp.dat, peds.ide, pedstats.dat, plants.dat, popcycle.dat, procobj.dat, procobj.ide, propext.ide, props.ide, props2.ide, roadblox.dat, savehous.ide, savehous.ipl, scriptv1.img, seabed.ide, seabed.ipl, sfe.ide, sfe.ipl, sfn.ide, sfn.ipl, sfs.ide, sfs.ipl, sfse.ide, sfse.ipl, sfw.ide, sfw.ipl, sfxref.ide, shopping.dat, shopuvs.dat, stadint.ide, stadint.ipl, statdisp.dat, surface.dat, surfaud.dat, surfinfo.dat, timecyc.dat, timecycp.dat, touchdefaultphone3x2.cfg, touchdefaultphonewidescreen.cfg, touchdefaulttablet4x3.cfg, touchdefaulttabletwidescreen.cfg, tracks.dat, tracks2.dat, tracks3.dat, tracks4.dat, tunnels.ipl, txdcut.ide, vegase.ide, vegase.ipl, vegasn.ide, vegasn.ipl, vegass.ide, vegass.ipl, vegasw.ide, vegasw.ipl, vegaxref.ide, vegaxref.ipl, vegepart.ide, veh_mods.ide, vehicles.ide, vehspwna.dat, water.dat, water1.dat, weapon.dat
3 November 2022
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Вадим Шляпин



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3 November
GTA SA Bast RTX Graphics Lite for Mobile
This modification will make the graphics in the game more pleasant and balanced. The color will become slightly brighter.
Archive password: mr.d.v.123
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Приятная графика
GTA SA Bast RTX Graphics Lite for Mobile
Данная модификация, сделает графику в игре приятнее и сбалансированной. Цветность станет немного ярче.
Пароль от архива: mr.d.v.123
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7 MB
Comments 2