100% completed, skills upgraded, territories captured

Full Savegame 100% for Android
- The game is 100% completed;
- Money on the account: $24372754;
- Some weapons pumped;
- All of Los Santos under the control of Grove Street;
- Relations with all girls: 100%;
- Endurance, lung capacity, etc.: 100%;
- Skill of driving a car, motorcycle, etc.: 100%;
- Level: Blatar;
- All photos are taken;
- All horseshoes are collected;
- All oysters are collected;
- Painted graffiti: 99/100;
- All schools completed;
- Replaces the fifth save to save;
- Property purchased;
- There are no Ballas and other enemy gangs;
- Level of authority: 99%.
Full Savegame 100% for Android
- Игра пройдена на 100%;
- Денег на счету: $24372754;
- Некоторое оружие прокачанное;
- Весь Лос-Сантос под контролем Grove Street;
- Отношения со всеми девушками: 100%;
- Выносливость, объем легких и т.д.: 100%;
- Навык вождения машины, мотоцикла и т.д.: 100%;
- Уровень: \"Блатарь\";
- Все фотографии сделаны;
- Все подковы собраны;
- Все устрицы собраны;
- Закрашенные граффити: 99/100;
- Все школы пройдены;
- Заменяет пятый сейв для сохранения;
- Имущество куплено;
- Балласов и других вражеских банд нет;
- Уровень авторитета: 99%.
Recommended files

100% passed, skills upgraded ($350 on account)

The game is 100% completed (Everything is collected and pumped)

100% completion

100% completed, all captured and skills upgraded

100% completion + captured all of San Andreas

100% completed (King of San Andreas) Gang Wars

100% with Expanded Gang Territories

100% Savegame

Completed 100%, skills pumped - "Soldier"

Legendary Save (Game Completed 100%)

100% Save / Sync GTA SAN ANDREAS [Android]

100% save for GTA SA Android - True Gangster

100% save for GTA SA Android - Blatar

Saving at 100%