Audi A8 [Add-On/Replace] v1.4
Features: / Features:
HQ interior; / Quality interior;
Working dashboard; / The working panel of devices;
Dirt mapping; / Dert mapping;
Breakable windows; / Glass breaks;
Correct player position; / The correct position of the driver;
Hands on the steering wheel; / Hands on the handlebars;
Correct collision; / Correct colysis;
Real reflection in the mirrors; / Real reflections in the mirrors;
The wood in the interior is painted in a second color
C Hanges in version 1.1: / Changes in version 1.1:
Changed the texture of the plastic in the interior / Changed the texture of the plastic in the interior;
Fixed reflections on the body / Fixed reflections on the body
Changes in version 1.2: / Changes in version 1.2:
Fixed proportions of the car; / Corrected the proportions of the car;
Fixed reflections on the wood in the interior; / Fixed reflections on wood in the interior;
Minor fixes / minor fixes
Changes in version 1.3: / Changes in version 1.3:
Added Add-On version / Added add-on version;
Added Low-poly Lods (for optimization purposes) / Added Low-poly loops (for optimization purposes);
Fixed incorrect display of disk when a broken tire / Fixed incorrect disk display, with a broken tire
Changes in version 1.4: / Changes in version 1.4:
Fixed incorrect work of the headlights / Fixed incorrect work of the front optics
Features: / Особенности:
HQ interior; / Качественный интерьер;
Working dashboard; / Рабочая панель приборов;
Dirt mapping; / Дерт маппинг;
Breakable windows; / Разбиваются стекла;
Correct player position; / Корректное положение водителя;
Hands on the steering wheel; / Руки на руле;
Correct collision; / Правильная колизия;
Real reflection in the mirrors; / Реальные отражения в зеркалах;
The wood in interior is painted the second color / Дерево в интерьере красится во второй цвет
Changes in version 1.1: / Изменения в версии 1.1:
Changed the texture of the plastic in the interior / Изменена текстура пластика в интерьере ;
Fixed reflections on the body / Исправлены отражения на кузове
Changes in version 1.2: / Изменения в версии 1.2:
Fixed proportions of the car; / Исправлены пропорции автомобиля;
Fixed reflections on the wood in the interior; / Исправлены отражения на древесине в интерьере;
Minor fixes / Мелкие исправления
Changes in version 1.3: / Изменения в версии 1.3:
Added Add-On version / Добавлена Адд-Он версия;
Added Low-poly Lods( for optimization purposes) / Добавлены Low-poly лоды( в целях оптимизации);
Fixed incorrect display of disk when a broken tyre / Исправлено некорректное отображение диска, при лопнувшей покрышке
Changes in version 1.4: / Изменения в версии 1.4:
Fixed incorrect work of the headlights / Исправлена некорректная работа передней оптики
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