Improved Pedstats [AE / SE]
This is a modification of pedstats.
List of changes:
- Change the health of some students
- Each Factions Has Nerf And Buff Health
- Each Factions Has Their New Weapon:
Jock Has New Weapon FOOTBALL BOMB;
Nerds Has New Weapon Itch Powder And Bottle;
rocket Launcher For fat striker;
Preps Has Firecracker Grappler Has Stinkbomb;
Greasers Has firecracker and stinkbomb and spray paint;
Bullies Has Firecracker And Bottle Rocket Launcher; - Each Factions Has New Drop Item
- Bullies Like Davis And Wade Has 20% Chance To Drop A Slingshot
- Civilian Male Will Have 20% Chance To Drop A Beam Cola
- Vance And Lefty Will Have 20% Chance To Drop A Slingshot Like Davis And Wade
- Jock TED Wil Have 50% Chance To Drop A Super Slingshot
- Johnny Will Have 20% To Drop Lead Pipe
- Non Factions Student Will Have 20% To Drop A Basic Books
- And Much More...
- ( V2 UPDATED )
`Updated List:`
- Added unused regen system ( expect adults and shopkeeper they still have it but 50 percent of it )
- Fixes some boss fighting style stat
- Authority figures like Teachers, Prefect, Orderly, and Cops, are more tougher to fight
- Vance and Lefty are now have better accuracy while shooting with their slingshot
- Stamina for Authority Figures are now much longer
- Civilian Female are now scared at fight and projectiles
- Preppies Clique are now more tough with their high block and evade frequency
- Nerds are now very good at aiming so their shot won't be missed anymore ( buff for their shooting, because they are suck at fighting and only good on ranged or weapon fight )
- Added new custom stat for ( Lola, Mandy, Peanut, And Davis )
- Jocks are now have a chance to spawn with rigged football ball
Recommended files

Peds Accessories Pack for Bully [AE/SE]

Ultimate Unlock Hidden Characters [AE/SE]

Improved stats of secondary characters

Bully SE - Improved Graphics

Improved Russian Localization

Anniversary Edition HUD for Scholarship Edition (v5)

Hardcore mode v3.0

Universal ENB for Bully

HD graphics

Fight Club v2.3

Faction leaders in free mode

Total War / Chaos mode as in the mission "Total Mayhem"

Super Thad Bodyguard / Super-guard Ted!

Free Freeroam

Rebalance of the Hooligans group