Improved Pedstats [AE / SE]
This is a modification of pedstats.
List of changes:
- Change the health of some students
- Each Factions Has Nerf And Buff Health
- Each Factions Has Their New Weapon:
Jock Has New Weapon FOOTBALL BOMB;
Nerds Has New Weapon Itch Powder And Bottle;
rocket Launcher For fat striker;
Preps Has Firecracker Grappler Has Stinkbomb;
Greasers Has firecracker and stinkbomb and spray paint;
Bullies Has Firecracker And Bottle Rocket Launcher; - Each Factions Has New Drop Item
- Bullies Like Davis And Wade Has 20% Chance To Drop A Slingshot
- Civilian Male Will Have 20% Chance To Drop A Beam Cola
- Vance And Lefty Will Have 20% Chance To Drop A Slingshot Like Davis And Wade
- Jock TED Wil Have 50% Chance To Drop A Super Slingshot
- Johnny Will Have 20% To Drop Lead Pipe
- Non Factions Student Will Have 20% To Drop A Basic Books
- And Much More...
- ( V2 UPDATED )
`Updated List:`
- Added unused regen system ( expect adults and shopkeeper they still have it but 50 percent of it )
- Fixes some boss fighting style stat
- Authority figures like Teachers, Prefect, Orderly, and Cops, are more tougher to fight
- Vance and Lefty are now have better accuracy while shooting with their slingshot
- Stamina for Authority Figures are now much longer
- Civilian Female are now scared at fight and projectiles
- Preppies Clique are now more tough with their high block and evade frequency
- Nerds are now very good at aiming so their shot won't be missed anymore ( buff for their shooting, because they are suck at fighting and only good on ranged or weapon fight )
- Added new custom stat for ( Lola, Mandy, Peanut, And Davis )
- Jocks are now have a chance to spawn with rigged football ball
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