GTA 5 PC Cheats

Please note that some GTA V PC cheats have N/A state. It means that we are currently searching for them. They will appear in the list as soon as they are found. You should use in-game phone in order to activate numeral cheats.
As usually, we suggest you to avoid saving the game after using any of cheats listed below. Trophies, achievements and other pleasant features of fair gameplay style will be unavailable once you save the game after using these cheats. Use them for having fun while being warned that you should not save afterwards.
Also remember, that:
- GTA V cheats should be used right in the game and in the right spot, e.g. you shouldn't try spawning Buzzard helicopter inside of any building — it is not a good idea since you can't predict what will happen.
- You can't save a cheat activation state along with game data. If you save the game and load it afterwards, the cheat will not work — you will have to activate it again.
- These cheats will work in GTA V singleplayer ONLY. They won't work in GTA Online.
- Considering all above, you might be thinking whether it is worth to use cheats in GTA V or no. Furthermore, you can avoid them at all since you can download trainers for GTA V PC.
All GTA V PC cheats
Please note that some GTA V PC cheats have N/A state. It means that we are currently searching for them. They will appear in the list as soon as they are found. You should use in-game phone in order to activate numeral cheats.
As usually, we suggest you to avoid saving the game after using any of cheats listed below. Trophies, achievements and other pleasant features of fair gameplay style will be unavailable once you save the game after using these cheats. Use them for having fun while being warned that you should not save afterwards.
Also remember, that:
- GTA V cheats should be used right in the game and in the right spot, e.g. you shouldn't try spawning Buzzard helicopter inside of any building — it is not a good idea since you can't predict what will happen.
- You can't save a cheat activation state along with game data. If you save the game and load it afterwards, the cheat will not work — you will have to activate it again.
- These cheats will work in GTA V singleplayer ONLY. They won't work in GTA Online.
- Considering all above, you might be thinking whether it is worth to use cheats in GTA V or no. Furthermore, you can avoid them at all since you can download trainers for GTA V PC.
All GTA V PC cheats
God mode, health, armor, cash and player effects GTA V cheats
This group of cheats will assist you in gaining ready-to-use weapon combinations, unlimited ammo, filling up actor's HP and getting dream rich, forgetting how to drown, turning into a true superman and changing some of actor's miscellaneous characteristics.
Your actor will become invulnerable for 5 minutes right after you activate the cheat. Once the time is up, you will have to type the cheat again.
Money Cheat
Unfortunately, developers haven't made money cheat in GTA V, but you will get acknowledged about how you can earn loads of money fast from our article.
Armor and health cheat: TURTLE
This cheat fills actor's health and armor up to the maximum.
All weapon cheat: N/A
After typing this cheat your actor will get all the weapon you can get in the game.
High jump: N/A
After activating this cheat, you can jump as high as long you can hold the spacebar.
Drunkness cheat: LIQUOR
After activating this cheat the actor becomes slightly drunk.
Explosive hits: HOTHANDS
Once you activate this cheat, your fists turn into bursting fists, which will cause an explosion once they are used to hit somebody.
Fast running: CATCH ME
Actor begins to run faster after the cheat is activated.
Fast swimming: N/A
Actor will be able to swim faster than usual after the cheat is activated.
Special ability bar filling cheat: N/A
This cheat allows you to fill up your actor's special ability bar.
Explosive hits: POWER-UP
Once you activate this cheat, your fists turn into bursting fists, which will cause an explosion once they are used to hit somebody.
Slow-mo aiming cheat: DEADEYE
Awesome cheat, allowing the user to slow down the time while aiming. You can type the cheat four times, each of which time will slow down more and more, whilst fifth activation of the cheat will disable the slow motion effect.
Skyfall cheat: SKYDIVE
An actor will appear high in the sky and will start to free fall. Unfortunately, parachute will not be useable, so you will have to activate god mode cheat as well.
Items and transport GTA V cheats
These cheats must be the most popular among GTA V players. After activating them player will get a rare transport like Buzzard or Tank. Right after typing the cheat in this transport will fall right on the actor's head.
Spawn Buzzard: BUZZOFF
Buzzard helicopter will spawn next to the actor.
Spawn Sanchez: OFFROAD
Sanchez will spawn next to the actor.
Spawn Trashmaster: TRASHED
Trashmaster will spawn next to the actor.
Spawn Comet: COMET
Comet will spawn next to the actor.
Spawn Caddy: N/A
Caddy will spawn next to the actor.
Spawn Duster: N/A
Duster airplane will spawn next to the actor.
Spawn Stretch/Limo: VINEWOOD
Stretch/Limo will spawn next to the actor.
Spawn Rapid GT: RAPIDGT
Rapid GT will spawn next to the actor.
Spawn PCJ-600: ROCKET
PCJ-600 will spawn next to the actor.
BMX will spawn next to the actor.
Spawn Stunt Plane: BARNSTORM
Stunt Plane will spawn next to the actor.
Spawn parachute: SKYDIVE
Parachute will be given to the actor once the cheat is activated.
Time and weather affecting GTA V cheats
This group of cheats will help you changing weather conditions (changing weather to sunny or stormy), speeding the game up and down and even changing sky's color, which makes you feel a true god of GTA V!
Weather change cheat: MAKEITRAIN
Each activation of the cheat causes game weather to change between sunny, clear, cloudy, foggy, overcast, rainy, stormy and snowy.
Slow motion cheat: SLOWMO
The time will slow down each time the cheat is activated. Cheat can be used four times which will make the game slower, whilst fifth activation will turn the game speed back to normal.
Gameplay GTA V cheats
This group of cheats contains those, which will affect the gameplay, even changing it as the whole. The group includes warning level cheats.
Wanted level up cheat: FUGITIVE
After the cheat is activated your wanted level will be raised by 1 star. Is it enough? If not, activate the cheat again!
Wanted level down cheat: N/A
If you are sick and tired of the tail, this cheat is for you. Activate it to make your life easier.
Incendiary ammo cheat: INCENDIARY
This cheat will turn your ammunition into incendiary ammunition, putting on fire every target a bullet hits.
Bang Bang (Explosive ammo cheat): N/A
After you activate this cheat, all your ammunition will turn into explosive ammunition, blowing up a target on hit.
Moon gravity cheat: FLOATER
This cheat turns the gravity into something alike to the Moon's gravity. Actor's jumps will take more time, cars will be able to fly above the ground level after they go off the ramp.
Vehicle characteristics, traffic and vehicle driving GTA V cheats
These cheats allow you to upgrade your vehicle. Also you can joke around the traffic and traffic lights, make boats and vehicles fly, make them jump etc.
Sliding vehicles: SNOWDAY
After the cheat is activated your vehicles will begin to slide. You won't be able to drive straightly even 100 meters!
Vehicle repair cheat: N/A
This cheat must be activated while driving. It will fix your vehicle, also providing your actor full health and armor.
This is it for GTA V cheats known to the World at the moment. If you appear to know some cheat for PC-version of the game which is not included in our list, you should contact us so we can update this article.
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