What We Learned From Leaked GTA: Advance, San Andreas, and Vice City Stories Design Documents

20 January 2025

Some time ago, design documents for early Grand Theft Auto games leaked. We've already covered the information on the failed online mode of the third part. Now it's time for information on other projects. In this article, we'll tell you about the most interesting ideas in GTA: Advance, Vice City Stories and San Andreas, which were eventually abandoned.

GTA: Vice City Stories

Vice City Stories is a prequel to the original Vice City, which was released in 2006 on the PlayStation Portable. It was later ported to the PS2. However, only the portable console version had full multiplayer.


Some optional tasks did not make it into the final version of the project. Here is the full list:

  • Heli Tours ("Helicopter Tours"). Unlocked at a high level of development of your criminal empire. At the specified point on the map, Maveric will appear. You need to fly it through the checkpoints. It is mentioned that it is important to maintain high speed. This could be a simple timer or a detonator that will blow up the helicopter if you slow down. Something similar was in the Publicity Tour mission from the original Vice City.
  • Mall Security. You need to catch and neutralize thieves in a supermarket. Each shift lasts 4 minutes of real time. If the robbers manage to take away goods worth $100 or more, the mission is considered failed.
  • Gyro Copter. You must take control of a Hunter combat helicopter and hit several targets within the allotted time.
  • Air Race. Flying an airplane through checkpoints.
  • Multi Vehicle Race. Completing the track using a motorcycle, a boat, and a helicopter.


It was planned to add two new multiplayer modes to the game, which are designed for the confrontation of two teams.

  • VIP. One of the players becomes a courier who must find five suitcases and escape with them. The rest of the competition participants are divided into two squads. The first protects the messenger, and the second tries to kill him before he has time to leave the city.
  • Empire Take Down. Each group of players has its own territory. The team's task is to get to the explosives and plant them at the enemy base. After the timer expires, they will detonate. In this case, it is possible to defuse the bomb, take it for yourself and take it to the opponents. The team that blows up the enemy headquarters first wins.

You can also find differences in the descriptions of existing multiplayer modes. For example, it was originally planned that in the classic deathmatch, which is called Vice City Survivor here, death takes away one frag earned by killing another player. This type of scoring was eventually abandoned.

GTA Advance

This part of the Grand Theft Auto series was released exclusively on the Game Boy Advance portable console. This Nintendo device is not as powerful as the PSP, so the gameplay was more reminiscent of the original GTA dilogy, with a flat world and a top-down view. Meanwhile, its events are considered canon, and the main action takes place between Liberty City Stories and the third part.

Judging by the data from the design document, the game was originally planned to have several endings. The outcome depended on how thoroughly you explored the city and how many additional missions you completed. In the good ending, the main character identified the traitor and received four new tasks, and in the bad ending, he followed the wrong trail. After completing the first area, something similar awaited you in the next location. However, in the game itself, we simply left Liberty City with money.

GTA Advance did not have multiplayer, only a single-player campaign. But according to the leaked design doc, the developers planned to add a multiplayer mode. Ten different competitions for two players are mentioned, such as capture the flag, deathmatch, a regular race and a car derby in which you need to destroy the opponent's vehicle. All competitions were to take place in Liberty City, but in specially fenced areas of the map.

GTA: San Andreas

In this gamere CJ can build romantic relationships with girls. The design document mentions potential girlfriends of the protagonist, including those that were cut from the final version of San Andreas.

For example, Bobbi La Queef is signed as a cheerleader. We could meet her on the beach. The beauty will pay attention to the protagonist only if he is pumped up. She loves it when CJ lifts heavy weights in the gym and takes her for rides in convertibles. If you come to pick her up in a cheap car, she will not even leave the house. Among the special animations at a high stage of the relationship, there is a car wash in a bikini. It is indicated that Bobby is flighty and easily changes guys.

Kylie Goodpoke is obsessed with weapons, so she will be pleased if the player shows himself well at the shooting range. She also likes it when the main character has a large arsenal. After the start of the relationship, she will call CJ a stallion. At the same time, she will begin to hate the protagonist of the game if he starts an affair with a police girl.

Nurse Suzi Nookie is different in character from Katie Zhang, who is in the game. The document mentions that she loves extreme types of sex, latex and various perversions. At the same time, like Katie, the girl loves fast and aggressive driving, especially when you avoid an accident at the last moment at high speed. It is mentioned that Suzi likes to be tied up. But if you fix her with ropes and leave for a few days, the nurse will die.

You can meet stewardess Mile-High Millie when you first use the airport for fast travel. Yes, this option was originally provided in the game. This beauty prefers expensive vacations in restaurants and on yachts. Periodically, she brings her friends on dates, for whom you also need to pay. Relationships with Millie are rewarded with sex during a flight on a passenger plane.

Honey-G. A famous singer who performs in the R'n'B genre. She sounds on the radio and random pedestrians periodically mention her name. A lady with the highest demands. To develop a relationship with her, you need to have an athletic build, drive an expensive car and wear haute couture clothes. At the same time, it is important to quickly respond to her calls and immediately rush to a date. If you do not have time twice, the singer will break off the relationship. She likes it when a player breaks the law, but remains undetected. It is curious that when CJ meets Honey-G, the self-esteem of other girls drops to zero. It is not entirely clear how they planned to implement this in practice.


Are you interested in such details? Maybe you would like to know about cut content from other parts of the GTA series? Share your opinions in the comments!

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