How GTA Heroes Changed the Criminal World of Their Cities

In Grand Theft Auto, we play as gangsters who solve problems using the most radical methods. They did not hesitate to kill gang leaders and cut out entire criminal clans, after which the redistribution of property and spheres of influence began. In this article, we will tell you how Claude, Tommy, CJ and other GTA heroes influenced the alignment of criminal forces in American megalopolises.
In Grand Theft Auto, we play as gangsters who solve problems using the most radical methods. They did not hesitate to kill gang leaders and cut out entire criminal clans, after which the redistribution of property and spheres of influence began. In this article, we will tell you how Claude, Tommy, CJ and other GTA heroes influenced the alignment of criminal forces in American megacities.
Caution, the text contains plot spoilers!
Claude from Grand Theft Auto 3
The appearance of Catalina and Claude in Liberty City did not go unnoticed by the local mafia clans. The main character of GTA 3 killed the leaders of the Forelli and Salvatore families, and also eliminated Kenjin Kasen, one of the leaders of the yakuza. His ex-girlfriend, in turn, ended the life of Asuka, who led the Japanese mafia, and also executed Miguel, a high-ranking representative of the Colombians. Thus, the couple, who had known each other since the 90s, decapitated the criminal world of Liberty City.
Catalina sought to personally lead the city's mafia structures and even became the leader of the North American division of the cartel. However, the vengeful Claude got to her and blew up the helicopter the girl was flying on. Before that, he sank the Colombian laboratory ship and destroyed the supply system through coffee shops, which caused enormous damage to their business.
In this situation, Claude could himself lead one of the families and take control of the metropolis. But he decided to ride off into the sunset with Maria. What happened next is unknown. We assume that the Salvatore clan, led by the new leader Toni Cipriani, will achieve the greatest success.
Tommy Vercetti from GTA: Vice City
After arriving in Vice City and an unsuccessful deal, Tommy Vercetti quickly got used to the criminal structures of the city. He managed to get to Diaz, the man who ran the drug trade. After Ricardo's death, our hero took his business for himself. But this wasn't enough for the guy — he began investing money in a variety of areas, from counterfeiting banknotes to clubs and distributing "ice cream". As a result, closer to the end of the game, Tommy headed all the mafia structures of the city. Potential competitors in the form of the Haitians and Cubans were weakened by the war with each other, and other gangs, for example, the sharks, are few in number and do not pose a threat to Vercetti's business. How his fate turned out further is not exactly known. But we know that by 1992 Tommy was still alive.
However, Tommy did not limit himself to just the City of Vice. He killed Sonny, the head of one of the most powerful families in Liberty City. After that, the Forelli clan began to decline.
Carl Johnson from Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
One of the main storylines of San Andreas is dedicated to the war between Grove Street and the Ballas. CJ killed Kane, the leader of a rival gang, as well as their allies Big Smoke and Ryder. This group was not physically destroyed, but its influence in the city weakened. Also worth noting is the death of the corrupt cop Tenpenny, who was "protecting" it. Without such protection, it will be much more difficult for gangsters in purple bandanas to engage in illegal trade.
In addition, CJ influenced the criminal structures of other cities. For example, the robberies of the Caligula's Palace casino led to the Liberty City mafia families leaving Los Santos. And Carl killed Marco, Sonny's successor. This further weakened the Forelli clan.
Tony Cipriani from GTA: Liberty City Stories
Tony represented the interests of Salvatore Leone, so he waged war on everyone who stood in the way of his boss. First of all, it is worth noting the murder of Paulie, the leader of the Sindacco family. After losing this confrontation, the organization left Liberty City, because three years later nothing was heard from them. Perhaps the surviving members of the clan remained in Las Venturas.
The murder of Mayor Roger S. Hole is also on Cipriani's conscience. So Salvatore wanted to bring his man Donald Love to power, and at the same time get rid of criminal prosecution. But in the end, Miles O'Donovan became the mayor. Tony saved him from the Sicilians, and in return, the new mayor recognized Leone's leadership in Liberty City. All charges against Salvatore were dropped.
Victor Vance from Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories
The most significant thing Victor did for the criminal structures of Vice City was rid the city of the Mendez brothers. Armando and Diego headed their own cartel, which controlled the flow of illegal substances into the City of Vice. Victor himself wanted to lay low and quit illegal scams altogether. Alas, he failed. And the Mendez brothers' place was taken by Ricardo Diaz, who was the most influential person in Vice City for two years.
Niko Belik and Luis Lopez from GTA 4
The Russian mafia suffered the most at the hands of Niko. First, he killed Mikhail Fautin, who headed the largest cell of this organization in Liberty City, and then the influential authority Dmitry Rascalov. Ray Bulgarin, another influential representative of the Russian mafia, was killed by Luis Lopez. At the same time, many ordinary brothers died. As a result, the influence of the Russians in the City of Freedom was significantly weakened.
By the end of the 2000s, Italian gangsters began to lose influence in major US cities, but Jimmy Pegorino tried his best to maintain the position of his family. Niko helped him solve problems with other clans, until Belik was offered to make a deal with the traitor Dmitry. If the main character of GTA 4 refuses, he will have to kill Jimmy. But even the Serb's consent will not save Pegorino — in this case, his life will be cut short by Rascalov. In any case, after the death of the leader, his family will suffer the fate of Forelli — a gradual decline and loss of control over their own business.
Grand Theft Auto 5 Heroes
By 2013, the Lost bikers had moved to Blaine County, which is north of Los Santos. There, they were engaged in arms and drug trafficking. A conflict arose between their leader Johnny Klebitz and Trevor Philips, which led to the GTA 5 hero killing the head of the motorcycle gang. He didn't stop there — the man went to the bikers' main base and blew it up. Later, we can meet the Lost on the streets of the city, but their influence has clearly been undermined.
Even before the events of the game, Trevor collaborated with a group of rednecks known as the O'Neil brothers. At some point, they decided to rebuild their business selling illegal goods, made a deal with the Los Santos triads and left our hero with nothing. However, he came himself and destroyed their lab along with everyone who was on its territory. Three brothers survived and tried to take revenge. However, the assassination attempt failed: they were killed by Franklin or Michael, at the player's choice.
Devin Weston played an important role in the business schemes of Los Santos. He was a billionaire who owned hotels and alcohol factories. However, the man is also associated with criminal structures and corrupt police. To solve problems, Devin used fighters from the Merryweather Security organization, who are ready to kill anyone on his orders. In the canonical ending of GTA 5, one of the game's heroes cuts Weston's life short to get rid of persecution. What will happen to his assets and private army is unclear. Los Santos is probably waiting for a redistribution of spheres of influence.
What actions of the main characters of the GTA series do you remember? Share your opinions in the comments!
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