TOP 9 really brutal scenes from GTA games

12 August 2024

GTA has been criticized for its excessive violence since the original game in 1998. As a rule, activists were outraged by the ability to kill passersby and shoot at police officers. However, the plot of individual parts of the series sometimes contains creepy and bloody moments that give you goosebumps. We will talk about such scenes in this article.

Be careful, there are spoilers in the text!

Grand Theft Auto 2

Let's start with the second part of the series. The most brutal moment of the game was in the mission "Hot Dog Homicide!" In it, you must complete the task of the head of the mafia, who needed meat to prepare fast food. The main character needs to hijack a bus, pick up passengers and bring them to the factory where hot dogs are made. It is easy to guess what will happen to the people who got on the wrong bus.


Marty Chonks from Liberty City decided to get rid of the people who were in his way. Claude Speed ​​brought a dishonest accountant, an unfaithful wife, and two robbers to his factory, whom the man used for his own purposes. In the end, they were all killed, and the remains of their bodies were made into dog food. Chonks wanted to get rid of Carl, his wife's lover, but he was able to fight back and shoot the guy. Apparently, it was his wife's chosen one, Marty, who eventually took his business.

Among the gruesome murders in the third GTA, one can highlight the mission "Living Mummy" (Plaster Buster). In it, it turns out that Claude did not kill, but seriously wounded the corrupt police officer Leon McAffrey, and now he needs to be finished off. The man is being transported in an ambulance, so it needs to be destroyed. The catch is that the corrupt cop's body is in a cast, so bullets can't get to him. To kill Leon, you'll need to run him over with a truck, blow him up with grenades, or drown him. Considering that we're dealing with a completely helpless man, this scene is disgusting in its cruelty.

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

In the mission "Deconstruction", CJ breaks into a construction site and shoots at everyone there. Then he throws a portable toilet into a hole where the foreman was hiding and fills it with concrete. In essence, the protagonist of GTA: San Andreas buried a man alive. And the unfortunate victim can't even be called guilty. All the builders did was shout obscenities at Kendl, CJ's sister. In our opinion, this is too harsh a punishment for such words.

GTA: Liberty City Stories

We've known about Donald Love's predilection for the meat of his own kind since the third GTA. But Liberty City Stories revealed this feature of the politician from a new side. It turns out that he ate his mentor Avery Carrington. Toni Cipriani killed him and then delivered the body to Donald. This situation is terrifying, because we knew the construction magnate from Vice City and could not imagine that his story would end like this.

Grand Theft Auto 4

In GTA 4, we would like to highlight Eddie Lowe. He appears as a random passerby in the series of additional missions "Strangers and Freaks". We are talking about a real serial killer who enjoys taking the lives of other people. Moreover, during the conversation, the man tells his story in all details. But Niko agrees to help him for a monetary reward. He gets rid of the bag, which contains human body parts, and we are not talking about an adult at all...

In fact, Belik's behavior is more surprising, as he tries to ignore Eddie until the very end. Niko starts shooting only when Lowe takes out a knife and rushes at him. It seems that our hero did not want to stop the maniac at all, but was forced to defend himself.


During the mission "By the Book", Trevor, on orders from Steve Haines, tortures Fernanand Karimov to find out information about Tahir Jivan. In order to beat out a confession, you need to use electric current, pliers to pull out teeth, an adjustable wrench to hit the bones, and a canister of water. In terms of cruelty, the scene is comparable to what was shown in the game "The Punisher".

But Frank Castle only tortured criminals, and Fernanand is an innocent man. He was simply installing and setting up a home theater for Tahir and did not know about his criminal activities. It is noteworthy that after the interrogation, Steve orders Karimov to be killed as a witness. But Trevor saved his life and helped him leave Los Santos.

However, other characters in GTA 5 were less fortunate. For example, Molly Schultz, Devin Weston's assistant, tried to escape from Michael, but accidentally got caught in a stream of air from a plane on the ground. The girl was sucked into the turbine and torn to pieces. There was an association with the Hitman series of games, where the main character could stage an accident.

Trevor's death was no less terrifying if the player chooses the corresponding ending. Franklin doesn't just kill his former accomplice, he burns him alive. We are shown how the man's body is charred while he screams in terrible pain. Moreover, Michael not only doesn't intervene, but cynically states that "Trevor always loved gasoline." The indifference to the death of a friend is shocking to the core.


And what cruel scenes from the GTA series games do you remember? Share your opinions in the comments!

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