Top 10 Best GTA 5 Mods

12 July 2023

There are many reasons behind the popularity and excellent sales of GTA 5. Among them is the large number of activities that the game offers to its fans. There is always something to do in Los Santos and Blaine County to keep yourself entertained. Mods make the game even more cool and full of content. Today we've gathered 10 great fan mods that will give you a new gaming experience in GTA 5.

LS Gangsta Mod

GTA 5 has many gangs that have complex relationships, preferences in criminal activities, and their own territories. Unfortunately, the gang warfare system from GTA San Andreas has not been added to the game.

The LS Gangsta Mod adds active gang warfare to GTA 5. The mod features disputed territories marked with different colors and other aspects of the familiar system.


Enable All Interiors

GTA 5 players could get into a very small number of buildings. Many interiors were created by the developers of the game, but for unknown reasons remained closed to the visitors.

The Enable All Interiors mod makes available to visit many interiors in GTA 5. You will be able to walk into offices, nightclubs, stores and other buildings in the game after installing it.



Rainbomizer is one of the craziest mods for GTA 5. It randomly changes all missions, time loops, weapon and vehicle stats, sounds and much more. The mod makes the game almost impassable, but gives a unique gaming experience and new emotions.


Beach Patrol V

Beach Patrol V is a script that adds to GTA 5 lifeguard missions from GTA Vice City Stories. There are three new types of missions in the modification. In them you will save drowning people, bring paramedics to injured vacationers and fight with aggressive bikers.


Basketball Mod

Basketball Mod is a cool script that adds to GTA 5 the ability to play basketball on six courts located in Los Santos. It allows you to create your own team and customize in detail all the parameters of the match. The mod will fit perfectly into the atmosphere of the game.


Random Start

With the Random Start Mod you can try yourself as hundreds of random Los Santos pedestrians. Each time you will start the game as a random character, in a random place on the map. The mod adds new random events to the game. For example, your character can serve a prison sentence or suddenly die.


Car Crash Simulator

It's hard to imagine GTA without dynamic chases and tooth-crushing vehicle crashes. With the Car Crash Simulator mod you can create your own automobile wrecks.

This mod allows you to set various parameters of the accident, such as collision force and radius. It can also be useful for content creators.


Batman Script Mod

Bored with gunfights and robberies? It's time to try yourself as a superhero. The Batman Script Mod allows you to play as Batman in GTA 5. The mod features new fighting animations, special gadgets and Batman's vehicles.


Ultimate Superman Script Mod

This is another superhero mod in our selection. The Ultimate Superman Script Mod is one of the best modifications to add Superman in GTA 5. The hero can fly, has x-ray vision and other superpowers.


FoodShops Mod

Fast food restaurants have been widely represented in many parts of the GTA series. In GTA 5 Rockstar Games abandoned this feature, but modders brought it back to the game.

The FoodShops mod adds fast food outlets to the game, where the player can restore his health by buying one or another dish.



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