In order to optimize the game, Rockstar slows the player down in specific areas of the map using zones which have "extra air resistance". This is done through "cull.ipl", which contains all of the cull zones on the map, one of the possible flags for...
Ever noticed that the sniper of San Andreas has some delay when trying to hit targets far away? That's because the game spawn a bullet that travels at a certain velocity instead of using hitscan like any other weapon, this velocity is pretty slow, s...
This mod makes use of your camera angle to define which direction you will shoot from your vehicle. Features: Compatible with gamepads (needs GInput); Compatible with Manual DriveBy Refixed; Adjustable settings in the ini file. Notes: ...
A simple and convenient weapon wheel that does not stand out from the general style of the game. Features: Works both on the key and using the mouse wheel; Compatible with gamepads (needs GInput); Compatible with SAMP; Compatible with lo...
A simple and convenient radio wheel that does not stand out from the general style of the game. Features: Works both on the key and using the mouse wheel; Compatible with gamepads (needs GInput); Compatible with SAMP; Compatible with Us...