This mod allows you to throw snowballs and knock down passers-by. To make a snowball, press E . Press ! again! E to throw a snowball. Snowball kills passers-by with 6 hits. Installing : Throw the Snowball folder into the modloader or throw the C...
Happy Halloween! A small mod on the theme of the celebration of Halloween. From 11:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m., CJ dresses up in a Halloween costume to instill fear in passers-by. By scaring people, the player gains additional health and horror points, for...
Parkour in GTA is something else "fun". And all because of two crazy animations that are played at the most inopportune moment. The first - after landing, the player jerks forward, exposing one leg. The second is for the player to lean forward and t...
Now the peds will light up if they step into the fire. The author of the original script is Dakurlz. I just fixed the crashes and changed the script so that it works not only on ordinary peds, but also on actors in missions.
As you know, weapon stores do not function in DYOM. So, this CLEO script allows you to buy 4 types of weapons and body armor in all weapon shops in the state. In order to buy a weapon, you need to find a store (indicated by a pistol icon on the map...
With this cleo script, pedestrians will use different fighting styles. The author of the script is Avenger49. I just edited it so that it works not only with ordinary peds, but also with enemies on missions. Works in both single player and DYOM.
The script combines a standard thermal imager and a night vision device, turning them into real spy glasses. Points abilities: - You can switch between night vision and thermal vision by pressing G - The binoculars are built into the goggles, ...
This mod adds the ability to have fun and fight with the cops using a stationary machine gun. In order to spawn a machine gun, enter the "GUN" cheat, activate the machine gun and select one of the game modes: - Free: You are not given any bonuses o...
This mod allows you to use a machine gun (ID 195) in DYOM. To activate the script, you need to place a machine gun anywhere, approach it and press T. To exit the shooting mode, press T or F.
This CLEO script allows you to buy first aid kits in all hospitals in the state of San Andreas. To buy a first aid kit, stand on the red marker near the hospital and press the "Y" key. The cost of one first-aid kit is $150 (the price will increase u...