This mod turns "Chillidog carts" into kiosks. Model converted from GTA IV. Installation: If you have Modloader installed, then just put the files in the Modloadera subfolder. If you are not a Modloader user, then simply replace the original files i...
This mod replaces the old Desert Eagle animations with newer ones. I did not see anything like this on the site, I decided to post it. P.s - Not all screenshots of animations are here. The rest can be seen here ....
This mod changes the old Skate Park textures to new ones. The mod was created by TioFukencioHD and Michelle Work. To contact me, I will leave a link to my Facebook page: Developers: - TioFukencioHD - Michelle Work...
This mod changes the texture in Los Santos near Railway Station. - The models supports the basic functions of the game; - High-quality 3D models; - Good textures; - No presence of bugs.
| KR | KeyRie Retexture | KR | Installation: extract to gta3.img using IMG Tools Or you can use Modloader [Who needs IMG Tools if you have Modloader? :p] These models have COL Shadows Something like Ezekiel_RN's Shadow Mod .. You need Shadow Exte...