IceMan-Studio / Uploaded files / Weapon mods for GTA San Andreas
GTA San Andreas172
Atlas rolled into a tube. Made from scratch. Replaces a knife.
Have a nice game everyone!!!
snow shovel
Here is such a shovel to replace the old one, it fits very well into the winter mod, have a nice game everyone !!!
Force edge
The legendary sword of the demon Sparda from the game Devil May Cry.
Have a nice game everyone!!!
Pipe With Concrete
Here is such a harsh iron pipe with a concrete pebble at the end. It hurts to look at how people in GTA get a teapot with such a product. The model is made from scratch, the work time is about 30 minutes.
Have a nice game everyone!!!
Now you can give someone such a boiler. The model is made from scratch. Perfectly sits in the hand, has its own icon.
Have a nice game everyone!!!
Wooden Spatula
I know that all of you have long dreamed of such a wooden spatula to kick black asses with it. Now it's possible!!! Only now, from the Great Iceman Studio, high quality, made from scratch Wooden Spatula!
Have a nice game everyone!!!