GM cars of the year of manufacture became the hero of the new animated film Transformers, which premiered in Europe on June 28. Four aliens, arriving on Earth, take on a mechanical form. Bumblebee transforms from a 1976 Chevrolet Camaro, Autobot Jaz...
The Chevrolet Camaro concept car was inspired by the 1969 model. According to the developers of the car, they wanted to create a coupe, which would appeal to its current customers, but at the same time attract younger customers. General Motors execu...
Features: 12 colors, high-quality textures, shadows, damage model, highly detailed interior, highly detailed engine and body, more than 44 thousand polygons without wheels and damage, the ability to install nitro, etc... Yes, this is just a treasure ...
Puff Daddy once said that in order to seduce a real woman, you need to put on a snow-white T-shirt and drive up to her house in a Chevrolet Corvette Convertible. So, it seems that this particular car is necessary for all young people who have already...