Rejoice believers! I'm giving you the welcome opportunity to kick us (Flame and me) at the most we don't want to! We are waiting for you around the clock at the Los Santos cemetery, in the Temple area. May the Lord be with you!
Here it is, what many have asked me for - a less flashy version of the graphics improvement. In this version: The brightness of the lighting changes depending on the time of day; Reduced bloom by 15 percent; Removed excessive color saturat...
My graphics improvement =) "What is there?" - you ask. Here's what: Soft shadows and quality water(enb) Improved auto shaders, realistic gloss and pseudo reflection (SA GFX) New character lighting and improved motion blur. And all thi...
The first beta version of my mod that revives the nature of GTA SA. This beta version has : 1) An aggressively tuned bear and a couple of peaceful bears. 2) A pack of rabid wolves. 3) 5 foxes, completely indifferent to the player. features: 1) the b...