How to Complete All Challenges in Red Dead Redemption

24 October 2024

In Red Dead Redemption, challenges can be found in the Journal section of the start menu. While they are not required to complete the main storyline, completing them is necessary to achieve 100% game completion. In this guide, you will learn how to successfully complete all single-player challenges and get useful tips for their completion.
All challenges are divided into two parts: ranks from 1 to 5 and from 6 to 10. Half of each of the four challenges counts as 1%.

Sharpshooter Challenges

These challenges focus on shooting weapons with an emphasis on accuracy and speed. You will need to demonstrate not only aiming skills but also quick reactions to successfully complete the tasks.

Rank 1: Kill 5 Wild Birds in Flight

You need to kill five of any birds — ducks, eagles, hawks, seagulls, songbirds, or vultures. They do not need to be shot simultaneously, but they must be in flight for the game to register them in the counter.
We recommend completing this task by killing vultures. They gather near sites of brutal battles or animal deaths. They can also be found around cleared bandit hideouts.

Rank 2: Kill 5 Rabbits

Rabbits in the game are found in small groups throughout the surroundings but prefer to inhabit grassy conditions. They are most often seen near roads where they can easily hide in tall grasses. Particularly successful hunting spots are Henning Rock and Worthington Ranch.
To successfully catch a rabbit, it is recommended to use the Dead Eye ability. This is because rabbits are among the fastest animals in the game, and they are difficult to shoot without using this preferred method. Note that running or horseback riding creates a lot of noise that can scare rabbits and make them run away, so try to move silently.
It is also worth paying attention to the choice of weapon: using too powerful firearms can damage the rabbit's carcass, in which case you will not be able to skin it. Therefore, a reasonable choice would be a revolver or a repeating rifle. With this approach, rabbit hunting can become not only successful but also an enjoyable activity.

Rank 3: Kill 5 Coyotes

Coyotes are found in most areas of New Austin and Nuevo Paraiso. They appear more frequently at night and can be detected by their characteristic sound — a very high-pitched howl. Be careful: if you take damage from a coyote, its kill will not count in the game counter.
To avoid damage, we recommend going to MacFarlane's Ranch. In this region, coyotes will only attack in groups of four individuals, so the likelihood of an attack will be lower. Coyotes are also afraid of the sound of gunshots and often run away instead of attacking, unlike wolves.

Rank 4: Kill 5 Wild Birds from a Moving Train

This task is perhaps one of the simplest among all. You need to go to a station where a train stops and wait for its departure. Alternatively, you can use the ladders outside the cars to climb up and get into the tender located behind the engineer.
As soon as the train starts moving, activate the Dead Eye ability and start shooting the frightened birds that will take to the air. Use this moment to show your accuracy and easily complete the task.

Rank 5: Kill Two Different Species of Wild Animals with One Use of Dead Eye

This challenge can be completed at any time when two different species of wild animals are within range. Your task is to find an animal of one species, such as a rabbit, and follow it until another wild animal, such as a wolf, comes into view.
It is important to remember that the killing of domestic animals, such as horses, will not count towards this challenge, so focus solely on wild animals. Show patience and attentiveness to successfully complete the task and enjoy hunting in the wild.

Rank 6: Shoot Two Hats off Two People's Heads

Characters with large hats become more convenient targets. For example, the Walton gang wears top hats, which provide you with a generous area to aim at. We recommend paying attention to pianists in Armadillo and Blackwater, as well as some stagecoach drivers — they have tall hats that can be easily shot off using the Dead Eye mode.
Take your time and aim carefully to achieve success in this task. Good luck hunting for hats!

Rank 7: Kill 3 Bears with One Shot

Bears inhabit the Tall Trees location, and hunting them requires a special approach. One precise headshot from a powerful weapon like the Buffalo Rifle, Bolt Action, or Springfield can send this majestic animal to the afterlife. Bears usually exhibit caution and may wait for some time before attacking, so using the Dead Eye ability may be unnecessary.
However, remember that bears possess immense strength, and in case of an attack, they can inflict serious damage. We recommend always having medicines with you to be prepared for surprises.
It is important to note that shotguns will not be counted for this challenge, as each pellet is considered a separate shot. Additionally, kills will not count if you use the Explosive Rifle, so it's better to stick to more traditional hunting methods.

Rank 8: Shoot Two Hats off Two People's Heads and Disarm Two People

This challenge is a more complicated version of Rank 6 with the addition of two mandatory disarmaments. To successfully complete the task, make sure your aim is directed precisely at the opponent's weapon, not at their hand or wrist. If blood remains on the ground after the shot, the disarmament will not be counted.

An important aspect is the choice of targets. Enemies armed with rifles and shotguns are a priority, as the likelihood of hitting their weapons is significantly higher. Approach the task gradually and with calculation.
The Walton gang, which can be found in Armadillo and Twin Rocks, is ideal for this challenge due to their tall top hats and long weapons, making the targeting process easier.

Rank 9: Kill 6 Wild Animals Without Reloading or Changing Weapons

Flocks of birds are excellent hunting targets, including both random gatherings and vultures aimlessly circling over places where bandits hide. Packs of wolves and coyotes, which often cross your path, are also suitable targets. However, be cautious: entering and exiting the Dead Eye mode automatically reloads your weapon. This means the kill will not be counted for this task.
It is also important to remember that attempts to kill large livestock may fail. Such actions will require significantly more bullets, making it impossible to successfully complete this challenge. It is better to focus on easier targets to achieve your goals and not waste time.

Rank 10: Disarm 6 Enemies Without Reloading or Changing Weapons

Weapons with a large ammunition capacity, such as the Mauser Pistol, Henry Repeater, or Evans Repeater, significantly simplify the completion of this task. These models provide the player with the necessary amount of bullets, allowing you to focus on aiming and disarming enemies without the need for constant reloading.
Additionally, for successful completion of the task, you will need a sufficient number of opponents armed with firearms. Therefore, bandit hideouts, saloon brawls, and other confrontation situations will be ideal places for hunting. Here you can meet many enemies ready for battle. Do not forget about camouflage: using bandit outfits can significantly increase your chances of success.

Survivalist Challenges

These challenges set you an exciting task — to find a certain number of herbs scattered around the world. To facilitate this process, it is recommended to first purchase a survival map. It will not only show the location of all herbs on the map but also be active for 20 minutes, significantly simplifying your resource hunt.
Note: You can buy a survival map in almost any general store.
Using the map, you will be able to effectively plan your actions and movements, reducing the time spent searching. Pay attention to the diverse terrains where herbs may grow, and do not forget to explore hard-to-reach corners to not miss any important finds.

Rank 1: Collect 6 Wild Feverfew Plants

The plant can be found in various areas of New Austin, especially in places like Thieves' Landing and Worthington Ranch. These locations are rich in vegetation, and you will be able to easily find the desired plants.

Using the previously purchased survival map, you will significantly simplify the gathering process. The map will help you quickly navigate and find places where wild feverfew grows, making your herb hunt more efficient.

Rank 2: Collect 6 Desert Sage Plants

Desert sage is one of the most common plants found in the Cholla Springs, Rio Bravo, and Diez Coronas regions. If you plan to search for it, we highly recommend heading towards the Gaptooth Ridge plains, where this plant grows abundantly. With the survival map, you can quickly navigate and find places where desert sage grows.

Rank 3: Collect 4 Red Sage Plants

Red sage is an amazing plant resembling grass with fluffy, dark red heads surrounded by rich green leaves. To find this plant, use the survival map.
Heading towards Fort Mercer, you will be able to find exactly six specimens of red sage. This place is ideal for gathering, as the plants grow in close proximity to each other.

Rank 4: Collect 8 Prickly Pear Plants

Prickly pear is a valuable cactus in the world of Red Dead Redemption, which players can gather and sell to traders for money. This type of plant can also be used to create various valuable and useful items, including medicines.
Prickly pear is found in the desert and shrubbery areas of the game world, and it is the most common plant in the Nuevo Paraiso region. On the road between Escalera and Nosalida, you can find at least seven prickly pears, making this place an excellent gathering spot. If you move a bit off the road, you will be able to find even more of these useful cacti.

Rank 5: Collect 7 Woolly Blue Curls Plants

This plant resembles red sage and is found throughout Nuevo Paraiso, especially around Perdido and Chuparosa. To make the search more efficient, be sure to use the survival map, which will help you quickly navigate and find the necessary places.

Rank 6: Collect 8 Butterfly Weed Plants

A milky-orange plant known for its medicinal properties, used for treating coughs and lung diseases. Butterfly weed, as it is called, grows around Diez Coronas and Chuparosa in the Nuevo Paraiso region. If you want to gather this useful plant, we recommend exploring these picturesque areas where it grows abundantly.

Rank 7: Collect 10 Hummingbird Sage Plants

Hummingbird sage is easily recognized by its triangular, dark purple stems. These herbs usually grow in dry shaded areas, under dense foliage and trees, and are found in Lemoyne, the western part of West Elizabeth, and along both banks of the Kamassa River in New Hanover.
When crafting bitters or consuming hummingbird sage, it can replenish the player's stamina, making it a valuable resource.

Rank 8: Collect 8 Prairie Poppy Plants

This bushy plant is characterized by stems with bright yellow flowers and can be found in the Beechers Hope area on the plains. To make the search process more efficient, be sure to use the survival map. It will help you quickly navigate and find the necessary places.

Rank 9: Collect 15 Golden Currant Plants

Golden currant is found in the western part of the Great Plains, especially along the railroad tracks. These bushes have tall, inverted pear-shaped forms with dark green leaves that are easy to spot against a light background. You can find them both near rocks and under groups of trees, although they are generally scattered across the area.
It's important to note that golden currant should be searched for in the spring, as this is the season when the plant blooms. Also, keep in mind that it is similar to yellow poppies, so there is a high chance of confusing these plants.

Rank 10: Collect 10 Violet Snowdrop Plants

Violet snowdrop can be found in the northern part of Tall Trees and in Cochinay. The flowers look quite modest — they are bright purple flowers on green bushes, making them a bit inconspicuous in the surrounding environment. The appearance of snowdrops resembles potted plants, as if they are rooted in the ground.

Master Hunter Challenges

These challenges focus on hunting and skinning specific animals in the single-player game Red Dead Redemption. The main task is to find the specified species of wild animals, eliminate them, and skin them to complete the mission.
It is important to consider that different animals require different approaches to hunting. Some of them may be more cautious or aggressive, so you will need to use the right tactics and weapons.

Rank 1: Collect 5 Coyote Pelts

The first encounter with coyotes will occur during the mission with Bonnie MacFarlane called New Friends, Old Problems. However, killing them during this mission will not allow you to skin them.
Coyotes are actively found anywhere around Armadillo, and especially in the vicinity of Hanging Rock, where significant populations can be found. Also, a large group of coyotes inhabits the Gaptooth Ridge canyon, and they generally tend to the southern part of the region, avoiding the northern areas.

Rank 2: Collect 5 Deer Pelts

Male deer are not considered full representatives of this species and will not be counted when collecting pelts. They can be easily distinguished by the presence of antlers and larger body size, whereas females do not have antlers and are smaller.
Deer are easiest to encounter in Cholla Springs, but they also inhabit all areas of the map and are a fairly common animal species. This makes them an excellent target for hunting in any region.

Rank 3: Collect 5 Wolf Pelts and Kill Five Wolves with a Knife

Wolves are carnivorous animals and usually hunt in packs, relying on speed, agility, the ability to cooperate, and separate their prey from other animals. To complete this challenge, you need to kill a wolf with a lethal blow. We recommend first wounding the animal with a firearm, then finishing it off with a melee weapon.
Wolves can be found in large numbers south of the town of Armadillo, where they often roam in search of prey. This location is ideal for hunting, as packs of wolves actively move around the area, creating excellent opportunities for a successful hunt.

Rank 4: Collect 5 Boar Tusks and 3 Armadillo Carapaces

A large nest of boars is located near the Tanners Span railroad bridge on the Hennigan's Stead side. Be careful: puma, wolf, and fox also inhabit this area. It is recommended to use bait and an effective close-range shotgun, such as a semi-automatic shotgun, to increase your chances of success. Boars usually appear early in the morning and in the middle of the day, while at night they are almost impossible to encounter.
In turn, you can find and skin armadillos in the picturesque expanses of New Austin. The region offers excellent opportunities for hunting these unique animals, which often hide among grasses and shrubs. Use only a pistol or low-powered weapon to shoot them, as using any other weapon will cause the armadillo to explode, hindering further skinning.

Rank 5: Collect 2 Puma Pelts and Kill Two Pumas with a Knife

Pumas are large brown cats and some of the most formidable predators in the game. Although they can sometimes be difficult to spot, they pose a serious threat. Pumas are capable of killing both horses and players in just two attacks, making them especially dangerous opponents. These animals use a hit and run tactic: first, they knock the player down, then quickly retreat to a safe distance, preparing for the next attack.
Pumas are often found on the road near Plainview, which leads to the US-Mexico border. These predators are active both late at night and during the day. Therefore, following this route, you will definitely find several pumas. As with wolves, for a successful hunt, you need to first deal significant damage to the animal, and only then finish it off with a knife.

Rank 6: Collect 5 Raccoon, Skunk, and Fox Pelts

All these animals inhabit the Beecher's Hope area. It is recommended to start hunting after dark and ride within the fenced perimeter.
Skunks and raccoons can be easily encountered while walking around the Worthington Ranch and Armadillo at night. Foxes, as a rule, can be found around Tanners Span and Critchley Ranch, most often at dusk or night. Be attentive and watch your surroundings to not miss the opportunity to encounter these animals.

Rank 7: Collect 5 Moose Pelts and 5 Bighorn Sheep Pelts

Moose can be found exclusively in Tall Trees, usually hiding deep behind Manzanita or along the river. These animals also appear in snowy areas and are sometimes found on the border between Great Plains and Tall Trees. If you are looking for moose, pay attention to these places, especially in winter when they may be more active.
In Tall Trees, you can also find bighorn sheep, which usually inhabit near the railroad, southwest of Manzanita. These animals are also found in New Austin, on the northern hills, east of Rathskeller Fork. However, be cautious, as pumas, snakes, and wolves may also appear in this area, adding an element of risk to the hunt. Always stay alert and ready for unexpected encounters with wild predators.

Rank 8: Kill a Bear with a Knife and Collect Its Pelt

This is the most challenging Master Hunter challenge. As with wolves, only a lethal blow is considered for this challenge. Killing and collecting pelts are separate requirements, it doesn't have to be the same bear.
To weaken a grizzly, you need to make two headshots and six leg shots with a Cattleman revolver. After weakening the animal, throw a lasso on it. When you release it, the bear will run away — this will give you the opportunity to strike it with a knife without being attacked.

Rank 9: Find the Legendary Jaguar Khan and Collect Its Pelt

In the single-player game, Khan is located near Ojo del Diablo and most often appears during the day. To increase your chances of encountering him, it is recommended to walk around the Ojo del Diablo region, as this place is his natural habitat.
If Khan does not appear, try shooting a few animals — this may attract his attention and cause him to appear. Essentially, Khan behaves similarly to a puma but differs in texture and has slightly more health, so killing him won't be too difficult.

Rank 10: Find the Legendary Wolf Lobo, Boar Gordo, Bear Brumas, and Collect Their Pelts

Below we will tell you how to find all the legendary animals in Red Dead Redemption.

How to Find the Wolf

Lobo is a giant black wolf with glowing yellow eyes, representing a dangerous opponent. In the single-player game, he can be found near Aurora Basin, at the northwestern end of Tall Trees. To complete the task, you need to kill Lobo and skin him. Be careful, as this wolf is very strong and aggressive.

How to Find the Boar

In the single-player game, the boar Gordo can be found near Stillwater Creek, west of Thieves' Landing. To encounter him, you need to reach Master Hunter rank 9. This level unlocks new challenges and opportunities.

How to Find the Bear

Brumas is a giant golden grizzly bear with a distinctive scar above its right eye. It can be found at the top of Nekoti Rock or in the surrounding area, north of Tall Trees. This powerful predator poses a serious threat, so be prepared for an exciting hunt and exercise caution when encountering it.
If you kill one of these targets but do not collect the pelt, you will have the opportunity to try again as the legendary animals will soon respawn. Additionally, if the animal's carcass sinks in water, the pelt and other collectibles may be automatically added to your inventory. This gives you an extra chance to hunt without missing out on valuable loot.

Treasure Hunter Challenges

Treasure Hunter challenges are an exciting set of tasks in Red Dead Redemption that are unlocked through special maps. These maps guide the player to hidden treasures, adding an element of exploration and adventure to the game.

Rank 1

Crossing the desert from Walton's Hideout in the mission Political Realities in Armadillo, you may encounter a treasure hunter who will give you a treasure map. This map will unlock exciting Treasure Hunter challenges, allowing you to explore the world and find hidden treasures.

Rank 2

Head to Hanging Rock, located at the crossroads north of Armadillo. The treasure map will show you the front and back of this area. Just walk around the rock so that you are facing the mountains, as indicated on the map. Here you will find the first treasure.

Rank 3

Head to Rio del Lobo to Del Lobo Rock. Moving south in this area, follow the main road that climbs to the river. When the road ends at a campsite, face the river to see a gap in the ridge marked on the treasure map. The treasure is located on the other side of the rock, on a ledge. To reach it, walk around the rock on the right, then keep to the left as you descend.

Rank 4

This treasure is located in the basement of the Tumbleweed mansion. It is easy to find as it is under a pile of rocks, and a cow skull can be seen on the wall above it.

Rank 5

The next treasure is located along the riverbank in Rio del Toro, northwest of Chuparosa. Look for a tree about 15 meters from the shore, decorated with cattle skulls.

Rank 6

This treasure is located in Crooked Toes. You need to find a set of stone pillars, with the treasure located at the top of the tallest one. Climb up to gain access to this valuable item.

Rank 7

Head south of Chuparosa and look at the treasure map — you have likely encountered this place before. It is located under Ojo del Diablo, also known as the giant stone arch. Explore this area, and you will be able to find the hidden treasure.

Rank 8

Head to Roca de Madera, northeast of Agave Viejo. Stand next to the large stone column and look southwest. You will see a narrow path just below the top of the rock. Follow this path around the rock. At the end of the path, you will find the treasure.

Rank 9

East of Beecher's Hope, you will easily spot a broken tree by the road with a small stone wall underneath it. The eighth treasure is located in the gap of this wall. Explore this place, and you will be able to find the treasure.

Rank 10

Northwest of Manzanita, just above Tall Trees, you will see a small path leading to Nekoti Rock. Follow this path up and find the treasure in a cave. It is located opposite the chest, under a pile of rocks.
Note: if you are completing this challenge during the active Master Hunter rank 10 mission, be especially careful as the treasure is located in the same cave where the bear Brumas resides.
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