Read Dead Online: Golden Spirit Bear and boar transformation

7 October 2020

Weekly update was released for Red Dead Online. The update brings the ability to turn into a wild boar as well as hunt down a golden spirit bear to skin it and show the trophy off around the Wild West like a pimp from L.A. It seems like this is how the developers see the future of RDR 2 online mode. What’s interesting in the Red Dead Online weekly update?

Read Dead Online: Golden Spirit Bear and boar transformation

Golden Spirit Bear

The new legendary animal can be tracked in Big Valley. You will receive 50% off naturalist items at Harriet's store after you track it if you are an Established Naturalist or higher. Alternatively, should you decide to kill the bear, you can use its skin to make a fur coat.

Read Dead Online: Golden Spirit Bear and boar transformation

Boar transformation

Now Harriet sells Vitalist Studies: Boar pamphlet. To transform into the boar, you need to collect the plant called Harrietum Officinalis.

Bonuses and rewards

Anyone who logs into the game until the 12th of October will receive 5000 Club XP. Naturalist, bounty hunter and moonshiner missions will bring twice more experience rewards. Double XP is also rewarded for free roam missions and events, showdowns, A Land of Opportunity story missions.

Read Dead Online: Golden Spirit Bear and boar transformation


  • 5 gold bars off Harriet’s Animal Field Guide
  • All naturalist items - 40%
  • Gus’s Trinkets - 30%

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