New GTA Online arcade machine with Manhunt connection unlocked by a mod

5 October 2021

With Los Santon Tuners update Rockstar Games has added the Camhedz arcade machine to the Arcade in GTA Online but never turned it on. One modder found a way to unlock this game. Camhedz is a direct reference to Manhunt. The Camheds was a gang of secret agents that was planned to appear in the game but was dropped before the final release.

Camhedz is a shoot 'em up and you are playing as an angry man with a camera on his shoulders. There are different levels and enemies. The game provides some guns and headshots are the best way to kill.

Camhedz as any other arcade machine in GTA Online gives five tasks and trophies. You will receive different T-Shirts and a bear mask. Shiny new trophy looks like a stack of VHS-tapes.

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