GTA Online bonuses and giveaways: free pistols and triple payouts in Target Assault races

8 November 2020

New week of bonuses and discounts began in GTA Online. As always, let’s take a thorough look at the update.

Double and triple payouts

Three times more GTA$ and RP are awarded for taking part in Target Assault races. Doubled bonuses await those who play Freemode missions. Biker clubs will also bring twice as much income for selling their product.

Free items: Jetpack paint job and free pistols in Ammu-Nation

Login to GTA Online this week to receive Skulls livery for Mammoth Thruster. Also, Ammu-Nation gives away all of the pistols for free this week.

New Wheel of Fortune vehicle: Vapid Caracara 4x4

The vehicle is available for purchase for GTA$875.000. Alternatively, you can claim it this week for free in Wheel of Fortune.

GTA Online bonuses and giveaways: free pistols and triple payouts in Target Assault races

Vehicle discounts

  • Vapid Desert Raid: 40% off
  • Vapid FMJ: 30% off
  • Maxwell Vagrant: 30% off
  • HVY Barrage: 30% off
  • Vapid Trophy Truck: 40% off
  • BF Ramp Buggy: 40% off
  • Mammoth Thruster: 30% off

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